Chapter 14

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3 months later

Zaira sits in a cell with her mother and father on her mind. She desperately wants to see them. Her heart aches at the thought of never seeing them again. She is taken out of her thoughts once she noticed this girl was staring at her.

"You're the new girl, huh?,"  Jackie, an alien
prisoner asked in the cell next to Zaira's.

"Leave me alone," Zaira said.

"Why are you here?," She asked.

"Do you want to find out?," Zaira asked, smirking.

"Yes, I asked you for a reason," She said.

"I'm powerful," Zaira said, shrugging.

"Can you do something interesting?," She asked.

"Stop asking me questions," Zaira said.

"How old are you?," She asked.

"You're annoying," Zaira said, placing her palm on her forehead.

"Where's your mom?,"

"Mind your business,"

"She's probably somewhere wishing you were never born," She said.

Before Zaira could respond, the Queen stepped in with her guards because she doesn't feel safe around the half alien baby. Zaira watches as the Queen swings her hips in a seductive way and the guards cock their eyes from the hips to her. The room was silent. The only thing heard by Zaira was her strange heart feeling the urge to pry it's way out of her chest. The sound of the strange heart made the Queen want to do nothing but kill the child.

"Please don't hurt me," Zaira pleaded.

The Queen reaches for her sword, " I want the world,".

"You can have it but keep me alive, I beg of you," Zaira pleads again.

"Why did they choose you?," The Queen asked Zaira.

"I don't know what you're talking about!," Zaira yelled.

"How old are you anyways?," The Queen asked.

"I'm ten," Zaira said.

"Beautiful," The Queen compliments her.

"Beautiful," The Queen compliments her

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"Thank you," Zaira said.

"We will give you back your powers," The Queen said.

"Thank you," Zaira said.

"Will you like to see your mom?," The Queen asked.

"She's alive!," Zaira yelled, her heart smiled.

"Well, I guess you can say that," One of the guards mumbled.

"I can hear you," Zaira said.

"Let's go," The Queen said.

The guards opened the cell for Zaira and then they injected her with something that gave her back her powers.

"I feel it," Zaira said, collapsing on the floor.

The guards helped her up as the Queen watched. Zaira began to receive a message telepathically from Jackie, telling her to just run and Zaira thought of doing nothing but that as soon as she gained back consciousness.

"Where is she going?!," The Queen yelled at the guards as they ran after her.

"Mommy!," Zaira yelled as she ran down the long halls.

"Zaira!," The Queen yells behind her.

Zaira opens a room door and walks in but she quickly regrets it once she seen bodies. "Mommy?," Zaira said, staring at her mom body in a glass tube, surrounded by some type of chemical.

"Zaira, you shouldn't be in here," Jazya's father said.

"What's wrong with her?," Zaira asked.

"Don't worry about it," He said, trying to pull her back but she wouldn't budge.

"Wait, who's that?," Zaira said, pointing at at lady in another tube with a smile on her face.

"That's your grandma," He responded.

"I can save them," Zaira said.

"No, come on," He demands her.

Zaira continues to walk closer to the tubes with her grandfather right behind her. She began to feel a tingling feeling in her fingers. The feeling made her feel more powerful. She used the energy source in her fingers as a full advantage to set her family free.

The glass tubes burst open and glass went everywhere. Some of the glass cut Zaira, she didn't acknowledge the scars or the pain but she did step forward to see her mother.

"Mommy," she whispered.

All of a sudden, Jazya's eyes popped open and became glued to her beautiful daughter in front of her.

"Such power shouldn't be in the hands of someone so young," Jazya said in a raspy voice.

"Mommy, I'm okay," Zaira said, kneeling in front of her mother.

"Jazya," Glamour, Jazya's mother whispers.

"Mom!," Jazya cries out before hugging her mother.

"Grandma?," Zaira asked her grandpa.

"Well, you can call her that and see what she says," he responded, cocking his eyes at her.

"Grandma," Zaira said, tapping her shoulder.

"Yeah, that's you," Jazya said, holding back her laughter.

"I'm a grandma now," she smiles.

The beautiful moment was interrupted by the sound of others screaming.

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