I looked at him again. "I'd be glad to."

 He gave a Cheshire smile and laughed, "That's wonderful!" He let me go and walked towards the door in the back of his shop. I followed. Once inside he pulled out some measuring tape and took my measurements. "You'll need different clothing if you're going to be helping me with my work. I'll give you some books to read over as well for procedures. That'll be fun!"

~Major time skip of two weeks brought to you by the art of being a mortician.~

I had been working under the undertaker for a while now and it was actually fun! The robes I wore were similar to his but the sleeves weren't quite as long and I had beautiful gray straps that looked like thick stitches on a corpse going across. I learned how to clean and prepare the bodies as well as how to direct a funeral too! I also help with the massive paperwork loads when I can but the undertaker always insists that it's his job. It doesn't seem to bother him. I'd guess it's from experiencing it as a grim reaper before he retired. Sometimes he looks so exhausted though.

I hadn't run into any other characters either. I was kind of glad because that meant I wasn't too far in on the series. I'm hoping Undertaker wouldn't mind if I went to look for them and since it was my day off and he wouldn't let me help with paperwork, that was my plan. I walked into the backroom to find him at his desk. "Unie?" 

I used the nickname I developed for him since it seems to give a more casual feel to the atmosphere between us. He looked up at me and seemed rather tired. I would put the plan off then and there if it'd let him get some rest. "Do you need any help? You look exhausted and I keep telling you to get some sleep." He gave a gentle smile declining my offer but promised he would make sure to get some sleep soon. "Just remember, you promised. Anyways, since I'm not doing much, I can't help, and it's my day off would you mind if I went out for a bit?"

He looked up and let out a tired giggle. "It's your own time dear, do as you please! You don't have to ask me for permission." I gave a concerned and thankful grin in return. "It makes me feel better when I do." I walked out before he could respond and went to the kitchen. Rummaging through the cupboards I found the camomile tea I was looking for. 

Making a beaker full I walked back into undertakers' office/backroom. I saw him with his head buried in papers and slowly filling out documents. I gave him the glass and a pat on the back. "You need to sleep. I'm too worried for you and It's easy to see you're ready to fall flat at the next moment, so don't you dare argue." I stopped him from responding and tapped the glass of tea. He gave a tired sigh in which I detected relief and took a sip. 

I helped him up since he was wobbly and brought him to his coffin. Giving him a hug and taking the glass of tea, which he had chugged on a small bit, I went back to his office to look at the clock in the corner. I had all day and it was still pretty early in, so I took a seat and began to do the paperwork I knew I could fill out. 'I'm a fast enough worker so this should go by fairly easy.'

By the time two hours had passed, I was done with about half of his work when I heard the chime of the front door. I placed down the pen and went to help the customer but was surprised when I saw William T. spears in front of me. He gave a half-hearted glare and went to speak but I shushed him ushering him to follow me outside to talk. 

Once outside I saw Grell waiting on the sidelines and talking to-"Madame Red!" They all jolted at the outburst and I looked like a tomato from my sudden embarrassment. "S-sorry I just- well you see. I'm sorry I'm just a really big fan of you and your friend! Sorry!" I was a stuttering mess but she smiled and rushed over to me squealing which shocked me big time.

"Oh, darling you are just the cutest thing and -." "And just look at that shade of red!!" Grell rushed up to me alongside Madame only to squish my cheeks. My blush darkened and they both squealed louder. I heard someone clear their throat behind me so I turned to see William. "O-Oh sorry! You're here for a reason obviously so I'll stop wasting time. What do you need?" 

His brow twitched in annoyance while Madame and Grell were still holding me. I was pretty much being cradled. "I needed to speak with the Undertaker." He pushed his already perfect glasses up further. "I'm his student. Undertaker is asleep by the way which is why I dragged you out here. I didn't wanna wake him up."

He sighed and pulled out a pocket watch and mumbled under his breath. Pulling out his death scythe he smacked Grell on the head. "I apologize for his actions towards you. I'll make sure he will be punished accordingly." He handed me a card and bowed to me. I was shocked and unsure how to react. "It's not a problem and you don't need to bow like that. I'm not your superior or anything." 

He stood up straight and gaped at me for a second and I swear I saw a light pink tint to his cheeks. He cleared his throat and played with the ends of his sleeves. "Well, thank you then. I'll be off now but I'll return to speak with the undertaker later. Could you inform him of that?"

I nodded but I was surprised. William is never this polite to anyone other than Unie in the anime so why would he be this nice to me? "Come along then Grell and leave the woman here. We have work to do and she'll get in the way." Madame looked a bit offended but once they ran around the corner she looked back at me and let me go.

"It's lovely to meet you dear and I apologize for those two. William is always hitting Grell with that gardening tool and he may be frightening but I wouldn't let it get to you. Anyways I'm rambling so, what are you doing right now?"

I sweatdropped at the question, "Well like I said I was working. Just some papers to fill out and I left anything I wasn't sure I could sign for the Undertaker." She gave a sly grin. "Do you have any free time?"

I was suspicious and gave a weary glare. "I have the whole day but since Unie was so tired I was doing the work for him so he could rest. Why?" The sly grin was still plastered on her face as she bent down right in my face and poked me lightly with a red and black fan. "I want to take you out shopping! You seem like such a dear and I haven't had anyone to go with for a few weeks now."

I looked at her with my own bright smile as my (e/c) eyes glimmered with joy. "Let me leave a note for Unie and I'll be right back!" She gave a squeal and hugged me to her chest again. "Oh thank you, darling! I do hate to be a bother though, but first..." She trailed off as if thinking about how to put her words, "Would you want to change?"

I sweatdropped. "You aren't being rude so you don't need to look so worried. I don't have a change of regular clothes though. I have a performance costume looking thing but that's it." She looked thoroughly shocked at my words. "Well, I can take you shopping if you want! We'll find you the perfect dress and you would lovely in red too!" My mood kinda dropped at this and I think she noticed. "Whatever could be the matter dear?"

I looked at her feeling rather sheepish. I know that in this time period I'm not considered the best looking which made me rather self-conscious. Let's face it, everyone deals with it in some way. I spoke up.

"I can't use corsets because of my asthma. I'm also not a big fan of dresses I admit."

She looked me over for a moment but smiled gently.

"I think we can work with that dear."


So what did you all think? If you guys catch any mistakes, even if tiny, please let me know in the comments so I can make sure to fix them. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter! <3

Word count: 2177 

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