Michael ( 1x10 ) part 2

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Simon actually came to talk to Luke about how he was still not used to being a Downworlder, and how his training with Rafael didn't really go well.

As the sun went down, I thought about going back home, and so did Simon. Luke decided to walk both of us out but when we walked through the doors, we were immediately stopped by a cop, who was pointing his gun at us but more precisely, at Luke.

"Here we go. Just do what he says." Luke mumbled to us.

"Shut up !" the cop yelled at him. "You didn't think you could hide forever, did you, Garroway ?"

I looked at the Cop with a frown on my forehead that said a lot about what I was thinking right now. What the hell was happening here ?

"I figured I'd try." Luke answered sarcastically.

It was clear on Luke's face that he wasn't taking that cop seriously, but being shot wasn't fun so even if he could heal quickly, he couldn't take the risk to provoke him and get hurt.

"We'll put this one down as an epic fail, then. I'm taking you in." Luke's partner told him before he looked at me. "You too. I've seen your face before but I can't seem to remember where exactly, but I will."

I had an idea of where he saw me. Maybe in one of the files they had on me after I vanished from the hospital. This wasn't good either for me or for Luke.

"Calm down, Simon." I heard Luke whisper.

As I looked at Simon, I realized that things wouldn't end well for that cop either because Simon was struggling to control himself. Being a newborn vampire meant having to deal with the thirst. And having a human right in front of him didn't help.

"You know what ? I'm taking all of you in." The cop told us as Simon's behavior caught his attention.

And suddenly, everything happened so fast, because next thing I knew, Simon attacked the cop.


In the meantime, in the alternate universe, Clary found a way to find Magnus. She pretended to be a normal client, because she didn't want to rush him by talking about the world she came from. So there she was, staring at Magnus who was reading tarot cards for her.

"The Lovers." Magnus said as he looked at the card he picked. "You are in a loving relationship." he continued before he picked other cards. "This man has a strong hold on you. You feel a magnetic attraction to him that you cannot escape."

Clary immediately grinned because everything Magnus said about what she thought her relationship with Jace was, was true. Whether she was in this universe or in the other, she was attracted to Jace and she couldn't deny that.

But the thing was that she noticed how the Jace from this universe was different from the one she was from. Because although she saw how Jace only paid attention to her earlier, she knew that it wasn't the same case in the other dimension.

"Tonight will define your relationship." Magnus told Clary. "You hope he's your soul mate. But secrets revealed will threaten to tear you apart."

Clary's grin slowly disappeared as Magnus said that, before her face turned into a surprised one as a cat jumped on the table in front of her. She remembered that Magnus didn't have a cat in the other universe.

"Since when do..." Clary started to say, but she interrupted herself and shook her head. "Anyways. I'm not actually here for a reading. I know you're a warlock Magnus. I'm a Shadowhunter."

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