First mission ( 1x01 ) part 1

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The last few days had been quite hard physically. Waking up really early and training four times a day wasn't something to do if we weren't motivated. It built me into another person that I liked better than the one I was been for the past 18 years. It was all worth it. Everyday felt the same for me, but I hoped at the end of my training course, things would get more interesting.

We were going on a mission, and when I said we, I meant Alec, Jace, Izzy and I. It was my first one since coming to the Institute. I was excited because not only was I going on an actual mission and not one of the simulations I got used to, but also because I could kill actual demons. I wasn't afraid of them anymore, at least not completely. There was still a part of me that didn't know how I would feel when I would be in front of an actual one.

"We're ready." Jace and I finally heard from Izzy as we were waiting for her and Alec.

"She's not coming with us, is she ?" Alec asked about me, reluctant.

"Yes she is." I answered, talking about me in third person.

Alec rolled his eyes while Jace complimented Izzy about her blond wig even though I knew he was also complimenting himself. Jace had a high self esteem, but he had a little too much of it if you'd ask me. Not only did I have to learn to fight, but I also had to learn how to deal with his bad boy and rebellious side and his constant attempts at flirting.

"All right, guys. For some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood." Jace summed up.

"Why do they want blood ? Isn't that vampire territory ?" Alec asked as we went to grab our weapon.

"I don't know, Alec. Lazy vampires, maybe ?"

"There must be something special about their blood." I commented.

Jace grabbed three swords and gave them to us. "We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for." he said as he grabbed one sword for himself before we walked out of the Institute.


Today was Clary Fairchild's eighteenth birthday. She was a random girl whose memories about the shadow world had been erased due to her mother's decision to not tell her who she truly was. Clary was at a club with her best friends, Simon and Maureen who were apart of a band named "Rock Solid Panda". She helped them tag their truck, but she suddenly realized that she's tagged a symbol which had no sense to her, but to a Shadowhunter it was an angelic rune. She didn't realize it now, but her memories were slowly starting to come back to her.

In the meantime, Jace, Leila, Alec and Izzy had been following the shapeshifter they were looking for ,through Brooklyn, until they figured out where he was headed. The demon was going to a club named the Pandemonium. It walked past the truck where Clary was standing in front of, and when Jace walked past her and shoved her shoulder, Clary turned around to face him because he seemed like he wasn't going to apologize.

"Hey, can you watch where you're going ?" she told him.

Jace stopped, taken aback by her reaction, and stared at her. "You can see me ?"

"Yeah, it's kind of the point but you obviously didn't see me."

"You have the Sight." Jace stated.

It was the second time in a month that he found someone who had the Sight. First Leila, and now Clary. Just like with Leila, he was in a situation where the person in front of him had no idea of what he was talking about. Someone who didn't know anything about the shadow world.

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now