Werewolves ( 1x05 ) part 2

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The four of us got inside Clary's loft. The place was messy, probably because of the Circle members that went after Jocelyn Fairchild. If I considered the loft messy, Clary's bedroom was a lot worse. Everything there was burned.

"There's nothing left of me here." Clary said as she looked around her former bedroom.

"Your mother probably tried to erase any trace of your existence to protect you." I told her as we looked for the box.

"These floorboards..." Simon started to say as he stepped on them. "They sound different in these two spots. Can't you hear it ?"

The three of us frowned. I could hear it, but how could he ? These sounds shouldn't be audible to mundanes or even Shadowhunters. Only Downworlders with a keen sense of hearing could notice the difference.

"There's something underneath." Simon bent down and started removing pieces of the floorboard.

And there was, indeed, something underneath. It was a box. Probably, the one Clary was talking about.

"Is it the box you remember ?" Simon asked Clary as he gave it to her.

Clary nodded. "She used to wait until she thought I was asleep and then take it out."

Clary hesitated now that she had the box in her hands. I would've too. The things that were in there were her father's and considering it was Valentine, it was okay to be scared to see what was inside.

I wished I could go back to the apartment my mother and I used to live in, and take back our photos. Unfortunately, I couldn't. Did the NYPD keep them as evidences or have they given them to my adoptive family since I wasn't an adult yet ? Except for my stele and the letter, I had nothing of my mother. Her face slowly started to fade in my memory. But I didn't want to forget her. She was the only family I've ever had. 

After glancing at Simon, Clary finally opened the box. Her reaction mirrored ours. Nothing of what was in the box, was what we expected. There was a baby shoe with a little brush.

"I don't know what any of this is." Clary said.

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the loft that hadn't been made by any of us which meant that someone else was here. They've found Clary. 

"Get what you need. Do not move until I get back. We've been here too long." I told Clary.

I started to walk towards the door when I felt a presence behind me.

"I was hoping you'd stay with them to protect them." I told Alec as he followed me.

Alec just rolled his and kept following me. He made his bow and arrow appear as we walked out of the loft to find the stranger, while I grabbed my blade. There was definitely something, I could feel it. But I didn't know what it was.

I heard the bushes move and then I heard footsteps. It was fast, that I knew for sure. Suddenly, a big dark animal ran past me and Alec. My eyes got wider when I figured out what it was.

A wolf.

It was the first time that I saw one up close. And here I was, trying to stop it. If I had to kill it, would I be able to do it ? I didn't know.

The wolf was moving so fast that we didn't know where it went. Alec and I split up to cover more ground, and we stayed on guard since we were sure that the wolf was still there even though we couldn't see it. It was until it surged out of the bushes and started leaving...

...but not without me, running after it.


While Alec had been forced not to follow his mom's order, Jace and Izzy actually followed them. Izzy brought Jace to Meliorn's home to figure out why they weren't communicating with the Clave.

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