Goodbyes - and Hellos

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We spent Benedict's only free month for half a year training Estelle. By the end of it she could do a few tricks, answered to her name, and didn't bark agressively at the post man anymore. Our neighbour had a cat called February and it adored Estelle. It tried to mother her but she wouldn't have it, content only with sitting quietly with her in the window seat. 

Then Benedict had to leave. I always cried on those mornings. The ones where there was a suitcase by the door and an empty wardrobe. The ones where he didn't joke anymore because he was feeling the same as I was and doing what I was doing. Taking in every detail of each other that we could, small kisses that meant big things like "I love you" and "I miss you already." But most importantly: "You're wonderful."

Every time he had to leave we'd stand in the doorway and I'd whisper,

"Go and be wonderful." Then Benedict would kiss my cheek and say,

"You're wonderful too." 

It was that time again. 

I watched him climb in the car and smile sadly at me. A tear rolled down my cheek and he mimed to wipe it away, like he was standing next to me to do it. I laughed and blew him a kiss. He blew one back just as the car pulled away; his face got smaller and smaller in the window as the car drove down the road. I shivered, suddenly noticing it was raining and that my dressing gown was soaked. Rushing inside, Estelle was whining in the hallway. 

"He's coming back, but not for a little while." I told her, but she wouldn't be moved. So I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, where I curled up on the bed and cried softly with her. For the first time I had someone to be with while Benedict was away. 

We skyped at Benedict's first oppurtunity - as always - and we both cried, because this was one of the longest times we'd ever been apart before. 

"I wish you could just come with me every time." he said, and I smiled,

"I've nearly finished putting together my next book, and then I can do another one of whatever country you have to go to for your next film. How's that sound?"

His face lit up with a smile so big I couldn't help laughing myself.

"You'll really come with me?"

"Of course! If I could have any time before I would, but my career was just taking off and I couldn't leave any of it." I told him, and he nodded understandingly, but the smile was still there.

"Oh, I've got a message from Maggie, she says she wants to skype asap, it's important. Call me whenever you want to, I'm always here." I said, and his eyes crinkled the way they always did before he said something sweet,

"Alright, give her my love, and take some for yourself too."

I giggled, and we said goodbye. Now for Maggie. I pressed the video call button and braced myself for her overwhelming zest for life. 

"Evie!" that excitable voice - there it was. There was the zest. 

"Hey Maggie, how've you been?" I smiled. 

"Absolutely wonderful. I'm telling you, you'll LOVE married life." she said with a wink, which made me blush slightly.

"Maggie, don't start that again. You gave me enough of that getting us together at all - hey Olivier!"

" 'ello Evie. Not missing Benedict too much I 'ope?" Olivier grinned as he sat down, pulling Maggie onto his lap; she put her arms around him. They suited each other perfectly, and I smiled inspite of myself. 

"So are you guys all packed?" I asked, and Olivier rolled his eyes.

"Within 10 minutes. Maggie is VERY efficient and knows exactly what she wants where."

I laughed, "I understand where you're coming from, mate. I knew her like that when we were little." 

"Oi! I'm not that bad! I'm just anxious to be ready because we leave tomorrow afternoon." Maggie protested.

"You packed almost everything a week ago!" Olivier said, throwing his hands up in mock-desperation. I chuckled. 

"I seriously can't wait to see you Evs." Maggie said, straight-faced.

"Me too. The spare room's ready and waiting for you two." 

"About that," Olivier said, "Do you mind if I bring along a friend of mine as well? 'e's travelling through Europe and is still looking for a place to stay in England..." 

"Yeah sure. I'll check with Benedict tomorrow when I call him, but we have room so it should be fine. What's his name?" I wondered, and Maggie and Olivier said simultaneously,

"Christophe Belair."

"No way! French Prince Chris?!" I cried excitedly.

"Who?" Maggie looked puzzled.

"In his 20s now right? And quite tall, brown hair, crazy-green eyes -"

"Yes..." Maggie answered.

"That's our old baby-sitter's son, don't you remember?!" I told her, and I watched the realisation appear on her face.

"Oh yeah! Why didn't I notice when you introduced him?" she turned to Olivier, who just shrugged his shoulders, obviously confused at the sudden excitement over his friend.

"So he's coming with you two, for how long?" I checked,

" 'e'll leave maybe 1 or 2 days before we do." Olivier said, just as Estelle had one of her barking fests. 

"What's that I hear?" Maggie said, ears pricked and curious. I laughed and fetched Estelle from the bedroom. She stuck her nose right up against the camera and yelped.

"Oh my gosh she's the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" Maggie cried in an octave I didn't know was possible to reach.

"She's called Estelle and I found her in a dog shelter. Benedict adores her - almost as much as you do and you haven't even seen her in person. Stop awwing, Mags we get it." I grinned, stroking Estelle's ears. 

"I'm bringing her a French collar. Maybe a blue one with a jewel on it or something..." Maggie mused, and Olivier put his hand over her mouth.

"Stop! She doesn't French couture, she's a puppy for crying out loud!" then he replaced his hand with a kiss, and I saw Maggie's eyes melt. It was time to say goodbye, I could tell.

I hung up, and sat with Estelle watching the news for a bit, trying to remember Chris's face a little better. The house had barely been empty a week and it was already about to filled again with laughter - and French accents. It was time to get ready for some bonjours. 

Pardon Me Book 2: Excuse Moi (A Benedict Cumberbatch Story)Where stories live. Discover now