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"Hey, lass?" I wake up to Chase again poking me in the cheek.

"What?" I mutter still half asleep

"We're here." He said smirking, amused with my sleepy stooper.

"Well thank you captain obvious." I said grabbing my bag and standing up on the non moving plane. I then noticed that everyone was gone, even Mr. change my snore every 50 seconds. The whole plane was empty. Only Chase and me.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned as Chase got up to let me by.

"Oh well I thought that Captain obvious already made it clear that everyone left." He said holding his hand out to help me past. I took one glance at his hand, and kept walking.

"What time is it?" I asked still groggy from my sleep.

"You, me, and my bed o' clock?" I should have expected something like that from Chase. Literally nothing with this dickface is gonna surprise me anymore, NOTHING.

"Chase please stop acting like a dick, just tell me the time." I sighed and looked at him, he seemed genuinely surprised that I didn't have a witty comeback. But to be honest I was tired and really wasn't in the mood to deal with him.

"Ummm....it's about 9:30. Ya that's what it is, 9:30:" he said looking at his iPhone.

"FUCK!!! It's 9:30" I yelled at Chase "We were supposted to land at 8:45!"

"We did land at 8:45, I just let you sleep." He said again flashing his smile that I'm sure girls would die for, but not me NOOO, I am a smart girl, I don't fuck with lying, perverted, ungrateful little cunts. Okay getting a little sidetracked.

"Why!?" I said rushing down the aisle of the airplane.

"Looked like you needed it." He said keeping a slow easy pace behind me. "You look like your panicked, whats the rush?"

"The rush is that my mom was supposed to be here to pick me up at 8:45, but cause of you, I have to take a fucking taxi." I shout slinging my backpack over my shoulder and heading to baggage claim. "And trust me my mom hates waiting, so she probably left right when I wasn't there." I say huffing and puffing, stopping to catch my breath. Chase of course being faster than me even when he's acting like he doesn't give a shit about anything, is now in front of me cocking his head to the side.

"You mean your staying in Louisiana with your mom?" He says voice sounding truely curious.

"Umm... Ya I'm gonna be living here for the rest of my natural born life, sadly with my cheating lying ass of a mother." I say getting up and continued my rushing to baggage claim. Our baggage was set out next to eachother in the almost no one existing airport. I mean hell I didn't even see a living soul here but me and Chase.

"Did everyone just like die or something,cause there is like no one here, where the fuck is everyone?" I question to myself, but apperently jerkface overhears me.

"Probably at the Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival." Chase says looking around the airport "And cause of you I missed goin to it with my beer buddies."

I turned around to look at him "Oh Ya sure pin all the blame on me, and your only fucking 18 years old your not even aloud to drink yet!"

"Hey what did I tell you about using that word?" Chase said giving me a glare "And cause of your stupid ass I had to wait on the plane, and therefore missing the festival."

"I doubt that you probably just didn't want to get off your lazy ass." I huff and walk towards the exit of the airport, flagging down a cab. "Now if you excuse me asswipe, I have to go home and pass out on an unfamiliar couch, in an unfamiliar house, inhabiting an unfamiliar city. That may have rapists." I haul my luggage, and backpack into the back of the cab.

"Who said there were rapists here?" Chase said cocking his head to the side an looking around.

"Well your here, and technically you tried to get me in bed with you, so ya your right there's only one rapist that I know of here." I said finding a smirk move across my lips.

"Okay first of all I'm not a rapist, an second of all you provoked me into getting you into bed, with all that anime shit, and your cute strands of chocolate brown hair." Chase said looping one of his fingers around one of my brown curls. I felt a tint of red heat up my cheeks. And then logic hit me I'm about to contradict his blasted statement, and slap his hand with all the Jedi force but the cab driver yells.

"You done flirting? Cause I can just leave." He says reving his engine

"WE'RE NOT FLIRTING!!!!!yell at him, my cheeks are flaming red and I'm just about to smack him. Until the dickface barges in.

"You heard the man Jules, stop flirting." Chase said a smirk crawling up his face. And then I just fucking snapped, the slap meant for the cab driver, went straight to Chases face, and an audible 'crack' was heard. "WE'RE NOT FUCKING FLIRTING!!!!!!" I'm sure it probably came out as a growl, of pure disgust. But I was pissed, I never got this pissed, but yet Chase can push me to the point of no return. And hell I Had known this guy for only a couple hours.

"Woah man you had better give your girlfriend some space, she seems pretty pissed." The cab driver told Chase. And I turned to him and gave him a death glare saying 'I will fucking slap you too!'

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just some girl I met on the plane today." Chase said holding his cheek, and let me tell you he looked pretty pissed, like so pissed that he would go and murder a orphanage of baby giraffes.

"Your so lucky your a girl Juliet, and you have such a pretty face, or else this fist would be in your face." Chase said glaring at me, and let me tell you I was pretty intimidated by him at that moment, he was fucking scary. "You'd better watch your back lass cause I'm gonna get you back somehow."

Despite my fear I scoffed "ya right Ryder, you don't even know where I live." I said my voice full of confidence although I was practically pissing my pants right now and shaking like a chihuahua.

"I can see your scared right now Summers, just watch your back and everything will be A okay." Chase said turning around and walking away to another cab.

I just stood there watching Chase walk away until the cab driver got my attention.

"Hey lady do you want me to drive you somewhere or not?" The cab driver asked

"Oh um ya" I slipped into the yellow cab, and gave the cab driver my address. I was still a little shaken up by Chase's threat. But I mean common his bark is probably worse that his bite. Right?

"Hey don't be scared of him, he's just Chase Ryder, has slept with almost every girl in Arcadia, and has threatened almost every person from Arcadia to New Orleans. He's quite harmless. You shouldn't worry bout him." The cab driver said

"Thanks" I told him

"No problem little lady" the driver said smirking at me.

But I was still scared of Chase Ryder, and strangely attracted to him at the same time.

God dammit Juliet summers get a hold of yourself, he's a player, a man-whore, like the cab driver said has slept with almost every girl in Louisiana. He would use you like a cleanex and throw you away with his snot.

God I just wanna go back, I wish my dad were still alive, I wish my mother had never left us, I wish I had never met Chase Ryder, but what can I say? My life just finds ways to fuck me up. It's like I'm a fire hydrant and it's the dog, it pisses and shits all over me.

God sometimes I just fucking hate my life.

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