Perverted Chase & Anime?

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"Hey,Hey,Hey Jules?"

Chase kept poking my shoulder and the plane hadn't even taken off yet. Oh god I was fucked this whole trip! Maybe I could ask to switch with someone. But I'm to anti-social. The guy next to me keeps snoring like there is no tomarrow. I mean this guy had like 20 different types of snores. There was the light snore, then there was the I'm about to die snore! And then anytime I got used to one snore he would change it. Look at me I'm ranting about an old guy whose snoring next to me! OH MY GLOB!!! I so wish I had a gun right now, and I wouldn't kill myself, OH NO, I would kill Chase and this old bastard next to me. UGHHH!!!! I dont think I can stand ten hours with these people. Well at least I have my headphones, and laptop.

"Please make sure your seats are in the upright position, we will be taking off shortly.' A flight attendent said over the loudspeaker.

"Lass?" Chase started poking me in the cheek. I turned to him and gave him the best death glare I could manage.

"What." I said narrowing my eyes and gritting my teeth.

"What's your favorite animal?" He said a smirk plastered on his golden face.

"Are you serious?" I questioned "You kept poking me to find out what my favorite animal is?"

"No I just did that to annoy you." He said flashing his 1000 kilowatt smile. I went back to starring at the seat in front of me. All of a sudden the plane started moving. As I said before I hate planes, so when this happened I gripped my armrests a little tighter.

"Little bad mouth scared of flyin huh?" Chase said to me.

"Shut up!" My eyes were now closed and I was mentally praying inside my head.

"It's okay, little Chasey will hold you." Chase said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me towards him.

"Get off me you perv!" I yelled at him, and just perfect timing the plane took off. I grabbed Chase not because I wanted to, but I had to. The plane took off so fast I had nothing to hold onto. Except Chase. I let out a small screech as we excelerated in the plane.

"I could feel that you had feelings for me, hey maybe we should get a hotel room when we get back?" Chase said when we were up in the air.

"Holy shit are you actually trying to get me in bed with you?" I said giving Chase the most incredulous look I could manage.

"Well when you put it that way it just sounds like I wanna have sex with you. Which I totally correct" he said smirking

"Just fuck off Ryder." I muttered to myself. Pulling out my laptop, and headphones.

"So you don't wanna have sex with me?" Chase said moving his hand onto my thigh. Is this fucker really serious? Holy motherfucking shit, this dick hole is actually trying to get me into bed with him.

"Not in a million fucking years, you man-whore!" I said grabbing his hand from my thigh and tossing it over to his lap.

"Well there goes my plan for tonight." Chase muttered to himself.

I flipped him off and logged onto my apple computer. Finding my favorite fucking show ever. I put my earbuds in and started watching it.

About 10 minutes of course Mr. Fuckface decided that it would be a wonderful idea to yank my earbuds out.

"What the actual fuck are you watching, all I see are Asian people moving around and subtitles." He said eventually putting one earbud into his ear. And he proceeded to watch attack on titan with me.

About another 15 episodes later I started getting tired and I paused it getting comfortable I started to fall asleep on the plane, not even remembering Chase.

"Wtf Juliet you can't just stop it now!!!! Who is the fucking female titan??? I need to know this shit so I can sleep at night!!!" I opened my eyes to that awful voice and like I said I had totally forgotten about Chase. He was staring blankly at the laptop screen. "I bet you that the female titan is like some she-man or some type of shit. No it's probably Marco, yep it's that little freckle shit posing as a female titan. No, it's fucking Annie, yep it's Annie, no I think it's Marco. Dammit Jules if your awake I'm gonna start this shit!" Chase leaned over the seat and pressed play, he was instantly hooked onto the cartoon people moving around the screen speaking a foreign language. God dammit I loved anime.

I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes but it wasn't gonna happen, I was dead passed out in a coma like sleep, and boy did it feel good.

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