Chapter 3

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I awoke the next morning begrudgingly. My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling.

Judging by the sunlight peaking out from behind the curtain, it was early afternoon.

I sat up as there was a knock on my door. "Gotta get up sometime Princess!"

I rolled my eyes and threw my covers off of my body. I stood on the floor and the t-shirt I was wearing fell over my thighs. My body ached.

"Go away" I playfully answered through the door.

"Come on babe, don't be like that." He joked.

I scoffed and ran a hand through my hair.
I opened the door a few inches and glared at Tony.

"I knew you'd give into my charms." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I punched his arm playfully and leaned against the door.

I smiled at him. What a Jackass.

"So you gonna come out today or not? I'd like to see you."

"I'll think about it." I teased.

"Thor will be here today. On account of reindeer games."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did he call Loki 'reindeer games'? If it was a pop culture reference I didn't understand.

"It'll make sense later."

"Whatever you say. When will Thor  arrive?"

"In about an hour. We were planning on a movie night but I would understand if you had other plans."

I rolled my eyes, he knew of my love for movies. I'd never had the time before to sit and watch a proper movie. "I'll be there."

He grinned down at me, "Good to know. See you in a few."

I pushed off of the door and retreated back into my room. It would be nice to relax. It was only going to be Thor and Tony so I was fairly comfortable to be in their company.


Loki's Pov

He had been awake since midnight.

Morning couldn't come fast enough. He read one of the books he swiped from the library until he was disturbed by Stark yelling.

He opened his door down the hall to tell him to shut up when he saw Tony talking to a door. "Come on babe, don't be like that."

Loki wrinkled his nose. 'Babe'?

The door opened slightly.

Tony spoke. The door opened wider and he saw you appear and punch him in the shoulder.
You wore nothing but a large t-shirt. Loki admired this look on you.

It looked as if you had just waken.

It hasn't occurred to him that you and Tony might've been an item. Something settled in the pit of his stomach. Though he couldn't quite place it.

You leaned against the door and smiled at the man in front of you. Loki suddenly wished you'd smile at him like that.

He brushed off the thought as he heard mention of his brothers name. Thor was to be here today?

He squinted hatefully at Tony when he used his dreaded nickname for Loki. Reindeer games.

As the door shut and Tony turned, Loki quickly walked back into his room.


Reader's Pov

Dressing casually and pulling my hair up into a half up- half down hairdo, I yawned and looked at my bed.

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