Chapter 2

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That morning I didn't know why, but I woke up early. I was eager.

I paired a deep green tank top with a black leather jacket and some leggings. It seemed casual enough. I pulled on some boots and spent a little extra time in the mirror for why ever reason.

Meeting new people made me nervous. I never knew what to say or how to act. And that meant bad news for me. My powers were always the most severe when my emotions were running wild.

I looked out the window for a few minutes after I was ready.

Jarvis had notified me and presumably the others to assemble in the main room.

We all knew why.

That meant that he was here.

I sighed and shut my door behind me on my way out. I silently prayed that no one would die today in Stark Tower.

I walked down the hall and ran into Steve. He was suited up. I wrinkled my nose at this, "Why are you-"

"It's better to be safe than sorry Y/n. You don't know this guy like we do. He could turn at any moment."

This did nothing to lighten my mood. Sure the guy had a troubled past, but at least he was trying.

I knew Steve was just taking precaution but it's almost like he intended for there to be a fight.

When I walked into the main room almost everyone else was suited up as well.

I rolled my eyes at the scene.

Tony stood by the bar. He intently watched the doors.

I walked over by the window with Steve.

He looked down at me, "Don't worry. It'll be fine."

"I think you need to be convincing yourself that." He seemed more worried about it than I was. I looked around the room at the apprehensive faces, "And maybe everyone else..."

Steve droned on through a one-sided conversation with me. Him leading it. Mostly ranting about America and sounding very much like an old man trapped in a young mans body.
He kept glancing at the door and fidgeting.
I knew his mind was elsewhere. Just as every person's in the room was.

I watched as Steve stopped mid-sentence and looked at the door. He clenched his jaw.

I heard them come in. Two pairs of footsteps. Both confident. I didn't dare turn around.

Everyone else was looking though. Pretending as if they weren't. They tried to act like they were continuing their conversations. But no one could fully ignore the elephant in the room.
Or the god in the room.

I heard Tony mumbling lowly to them about something.

I tried to focus on Steve as he continued. Eventually it seemed the others in the room deemed there to be no immediate danger and started talking again too. Nor any reason to speak or make a giant announcement that the god was here to stay. Everyone already knew everyone else and everyone knew what was happening.

I however did not know him.

I hadn't expected Tony to call my name "Y/n!"

I blinked slowly and turned to face him. My eyes found Tony quickly as he beckoned me over but were distracted when they finally flicked to the stranger in the room.

Our eyes met. His were a beautiful blue green. More so blue. He was pale. And very tall. His dark raven hair rested over his shoulders. He was dressed like an Asgardian usually would.

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