ch. 2 - first of many

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in a circle, clockwise: Allura, Lance, Keith, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran 


Pidge & I talked for hours about a buffet of topics: tech, how weird the guys are, tech, family, & then hardships. We laughed, cried & everything else in between.

"Wow, talking to you actually made me feel a whole lot better than I was," I told her. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed this 2 hour conversation," Pidge said, "Is there anything else you're stressed out about that you need to get out?"

"No, not now. But give me a day or two & I'll probably have a long list of stresses," I replied.

She giggled, as she walked out & said, "Well, when you do, you know where to find me."

"Thanks again, Pidge," I thanked her, as she walked out. 

She left the room, & she left me with myself and the silence that surrounded me. It was good to have friends like Pidge, even if she didn't know what my real stress level actually was. Besides, she's a girl, too, so she understands that girls like me to just talk out their feelings. Yes, Allura is the same way, but she doesn't have a love for science & math & technology as much as me & Pidge do.

I took off my shoes & set them next to my bed. I got into my bed & stared at the ceiling. I thought of all these different questions that swirled around in my head. But, there was one question that stood out from the bunch; Did I really need to be saved? By that, I mean this: was it really a good idea for Shiro to save a complete stranger, only to find out that I was being labeled as a dangerous human being, & a threat to mankind? Maybe it was because they knew Keith was the same level as dangerous & thought nothing of it. Whatever the reason was, it wasn't a good idea because I was running around free, with no chains or chackles to drag me down & make me feel miserable. Shiro know these things deep down inside of him, & he knows now that his team is going to add more time to their time in space and being away from home, all because of me. Me; no one else but me, myself & I. 

These thoughts haunted me so much. So much that I got tired of thinking of them & I fell fast asleep. 


An obnoxiously loud woke me from my slumber & also startled the heck out of me.

I then heard Allura over the intercome. She was saying, "Paladins! Kiana! It's an emergency! We need Voltron! The castles under attack!"

I put on my shoes as fast as I could & jumped out of bed. I rushed through the halls to the holodeck. At first, & all honest, I felt completely lost. Then, I saw Keith running, so I followed him. Once I saw where we headed, I sped up & beat him there. 

"Allura, what's the matter? Whose attacking? What's happening," I screamed.

Soon, the other Paladins waltzed in behind me; All of them except for Lance.

"Wait, where's Lance? Was he taken as a prisoner? Did the invaders take him? Did they kill him? I JUST MET LANCE & HE'S ALREADY DEAD," I screamed in panic mode. 

"Woah, Kiana. Calm down. Lance is fine," Shiro said, "That alarm you heard was just a test of the alarm system."

"Then, why was Keith running toward the holodeck, thinking something was wrong," I asked.

"Its Keith. He just does things like that," Pidge explained.

"So, wait, this was just to wake up my anxiety up," I asked.

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