We Are Alone - By Darkflamewolf

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He awoke with a start. His head slamming up against the plastic glass covering that hovered over the upper portion of his bed frame. The plush, ribbed sponge of a mattress absorbed the impact of his body as he slammed back down onto it with a groan, his paw going to his forehead to massage the hurt away.

His eyes opened, unfocused, as he looked around his sterile surroundings. It almost looked like a laboratory room, if it weren't for the fact that there were several amenities embedded into the walls of the small space. A small fold-up table and chair were pulled out and situated perfectly for seating, but he could see the grooves in the walls where they would go to make it one smooth surface. Adjacent to that and opposite him were a mirror and sink, as well as a pull-away curtain that most likely housed a toilet.

A small crackle and hiss alerted him to the very sharp needle just mere inches from his neck. His eyes dilated as he shuffled his body to the side, getting as far away from the sparking device as possible. Whatever it was went deep into the wall beyond his room, and seemed to be bent and inoperative. Just what was it used for? He really didn't have much of an idea of why he was here in the first place.

Recognizing the now aching spot on his neck, he scooted his butt down the bed a ways before flipping his legs over the side and sitting up, feeling several good pops go up and down his spine. He yawned and stretched wide, before plopping his hands down at his sides, relaxing after what seemed like ages asleep. He had hardly noticed anything amiss until his tail came down to rest upon his arm.

Looking down at himself, it was then he noticed that he had an extra appendage and his skin was nothing but fur! Standing up suddenly, twirling around in a circle trying to get a good look at that which he could surprisingly control with muscles he didn't know he had access to, he immediately surged to the sink. His paws gripping the sides of the cold porcelain, he gazed at himself.

The face he remembered was not the person looking at him now. His paw shakingly rose up to touch the bridge of his muzzle. That long snout with a dark, wet nose breathing misty heat onto the mirror. His ears flapped at the humming lights above him. Was this the person he always was? If anything, he looked more vulpine than human. His paws glided through the fur on his face, and he knew this was not a dream.

Shaking his head from the shock, he stumbled over to the table, crashing down into the chair beside it as he shook violently. Where was he? Why couldn't he remember? A slow panic began to form in the pit of his gut, and he was about to howl when a small, blinking, blue light caught his attention at the edge of the table where corner met wall. It almost seemed like a toy at first glance, like something was to go onto it from above, but missing its piece.

Pressing the button, a shimmering picture exploded into view, hovering just inches from his face and perched perfectly above the device. It was a woman of remarkable beauty. She had flowing, black hair that reached the small of her back, and she had the most luxurious summer dress with pretty floral print. She looked like one of those classic pin up girls from home when men went off to war.

She had the most startling eyes of green, she seemed a bit lost and unsure of where to be looking as if some unseen person was setting up the camera and giving her directions. After a few minutes of back and forth chatter, she finally got her mark down and managed to look right into the camera, into his eyes. He held his breath tightly, not wanting to breath as her voice filled the silence of the room with melodic frequency.

"Hey...um...Trevor..." She began hesitantly. It was clear that she was on more personal terms with him, but for some reason was a bit shy and reserved. "I...I know this is probably going to be very confusing for you...it's a bit shocking to me as well. I was surprised myself when you first started growing the hair that you did..." She had to chuckle a bit, almost seeming more like herself at the memory.

We Are Alone - A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now