Siren's mark

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Nate looked down at the mark on his arm. The intricate symbol connected him with the creature he once was. A majestic siren that concerned the seas. He sighed of course the sight of that mark could only bring out feelings of sadness. 'Whatever' he thought to himself as he finished up his cereal. He grabbed his headphones and left. 'First day of high school, so excited!' He thought sarcastically plugging in his headphones and turning up his music.

He was the only one from his group of friends that wasn't attending a specialised school, the only one who hadn't found their soulmate. It didn't matter, besides it wasn't like he was the only one from his middle school that hadn't found their soulmate.

Speaking of the devil or was it better to say deity? Nonetheless it was all the same, Matthieu or Matt the other student who was attending the high school was what one would call a death deity and a 'player'. He walked past with his current girlfriend Stephanie ' who might i add wasn't his soulmate, but whatever he didn't care about him.' He thought.

Matt was like that he loved people and games and the moment he realized that he could play games with people as the pons he was all over it after all that was all love was wasn't it? Now Matt wasn't malicious in any way, you could ask his previous lovers and they will tell you that he was nothing if not kind.

Nate wondered how someone could do that? Love someone who wasn't their true love without feeling like they were betraying their soulmate.
In his eyes it was nothing but cruel. He pitted the poor soul who was his soulmate

And it's finally ready it took me a while to write and even now it feels incomplete but at the very least it feels good enough I will always try and improve but hope you like it.
KimRetallack love

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