Logan looks at her.

"Before we do anything, read the last section on the last page." Rory hands the paper to him.

He reads it and smirks.

"Well, I guess this will be an easy win." Logan says.

Everyone looks confused and shares looks.

That's when the door bursts open.

"Where's the new editor?! We got a problem in politics and features!" The lady asked.

Rory jumps up and goes to the lady.

"Rory Hayden, new editor. Take me to the issue." Rory says.

They rush out.

All the people in the room are just speechless. Logan is smiling like an idiot.

"That's some woman you got there Logan." David says.

"Most definitely, she is something alright." Logan says.

They then continue to talk over what Rory said to move on from the shock. They were not expecting someone so beautiful and so smart to walk through that door claimed as Logan Huntzberger's fiancee.


"Alright what's the issue?" Rory asks as her and the lady make their way to the writing department.

"They are fighting over space, layout, and stories. One wants to put two stories in and one wants to get rid of the other story issue."

Rory nodded.

They arrive, there is yelling and papers being thrown.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Rory shouts.

All the people turn to her.

"And who are you?" A man asked rudely.

"I am your new editor! Now everyone stop fighting and and tell what is wrong!"

Everyone started to yell over one another.

"One at a time please!"

A lady walks up to Rory and speaks, "Layout, and stories are being pushed. We can't find room to place the stories that we have."

"Alright, give me the layout on a computer, the stories and what you have so far." Rory calmly says.

Rory is then guided to a computer with the layout up and papers on the desk.

She looks it over and edits it.

"What are you doing?" A man bluntly asked behind her.

"If you shorten the title to something catchy and not a descriptive sentence, it makes more room and you can move this short article here to close up this gap and fill this gap over here with a picture relating to the article and this one is the byline so the picture is centered and the article's text is now shrunken to fit four columns instead of just three. Your sports and entertainment should be over here, and business and jobs on this page. If any space needs to be filled, take an ad if there is no picture to go with it." Rory states still typing.

Rory does a few more clicks and types and completes layout and the whole thing using what was on there.

"All done. Now send it to the news stand and there." Rory says and stands up from the chair.

They look at the layout and loved it.

"I like you already." Another lady said.

Rory just smiled.

"Now if you don't mind I got to go get my fiancee and head home. It's getting late and we just arrived a few hours ago. Plus the jet lag and being pregnant is exhausting." Rory yawns.



Questions were asked and Rory laughed.

"Yes well, I'm Logan Huntzberger's fiancee and pregnant with his children. Now, I must go. Here is my email if any articles need approval and editing for the next paper. See you all tomorrow." Rory said as she wrote her email on a paper and and stuck it on the bulletin board.

"Hey Ace. You ready to go?" Logan's voice came from her right.

She looked over to where she came and smiled at him.

"Yep. Let's go. Bye everyone! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you tomorrow." Rory said at turned back to Logan as they left the building.

As they made sure no paparazzi and reporters were out they got into their car and went home.

The whole company was just in utter shock.

Logan Huntzberger, has a fiancee that is smart, beautiful, talented and has a powerful family name.

No one got any work done, so they all just went home for the night.

YAY! I updated!

So this is not my best chapter but I did update. I will probably not be able to update for the next few weeks. It's SAGE Testing month! ... Yippee! ... not.

Anyways, I will try, but testing is gonna kill me, plus all the homework on top of that... UGH! I just remembered my homework! Bye-bye weekend for me. 😔

Well, good night people! 😁 Enjoy your weekend while it lasts.

The Question of a Lifetime {EDITING}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz