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Regina was cuddled up in bed asleep. Emma opened the door and saw her sleeping. She went over to the bed and actually thought she was cute there. "She is gorgeous but then that pretty mouth opens" she says to herself looking at her. It's 6am and Emma had to leave for work. She leaned close to Regina's ear and said "wake up Regina" she opened her eyes and glared at Emma. "Why" she says annoyed. Emma laughed and walked to the door. Regina closed her eyes again and dug her head into the pillow.

"Get lost" she says annoyed and tired. Emma laughed and said "I'm going to work now and I won't be home till late. The girls don't have school so good luck" she then walked out and closed the door. Emma left the light on. Regina picked up a shoe from the floor and threw it at the light switch to turn it of. She then went back to sleep. Laila woke up at 8:36 and looked around the room. She stood up and went over to graces bed. "Oi wake up" she says shaking her. Grace sat up and said "what" Laila laughed and pulled her out of bed.

"This better be good" she says annoyed. Laila walked out of the room with grace following. They went to Emma's room and saw Regina asleep in the bed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking" grace says with a smile. Laila nodded and they left the room. They went downstairs. Grace grabbed a metal spoon and a metal sauce pan. Laila got a bottle out of the fridge and poured the water down the sink. She filled the bottle up with rice. They both smirked at each other and went upstairs. They went to there mums room and opened the door slowly.

Regina was led on her stomach with her head on the pillow. She had her mouth open and was snoring. The girls went over to the bed. Laila started shaking the bottle hard and grace smashed the spoon on the pan. Regina jumped so much it caused her to fall of the side of the bed. The girls started bursting out with laughter. Regina sat up and looked at them annoyed. She had messy hair and looked really tired. "Ow my god do you two have a problem" Regina asked while standing up. She led back down on the bed and pulled the cover over her.

Grace was still laughing and said "your not a morning person are you" Regina groaned and said "no. Get out" the girls kept laughing and left the room. Regina was awake now so she stood up. She was in short shorts and a crop top. She fixed her hair and went downstairs. The girls were sat at the table eating breakfast. Regina walked in still half asleep. The girls looked up at her shocked. She looked at them and said "what" she sat down while still looking at them.

"You have an incredible body. How often do you go to the gym" Laila asked shocked. Regina looked at the one that spoke and said "no I'm just naturally skinny. Thank you for noticing" grace looked down at her stomach and then carried on eating. Regina stood up and went over to the cupboard to make breakfast for herself. When she opened the cupboard a football fell out and hit Regina on the head.

She stumbled back and the girls laughed. Regina looked at them angry and said "ok if you girls don't stop I will make the next 6 months a living hell for you" they both looked at each other before smirking at Regina.

"We accept your challenge" they said at the same time. Regina raised her eyebrows. They quickly got up and walked out of the room. "Are you not even going to clean your dishes" Regina says shocked. "You do it" grace says from upstairs. Regina sighed and just left them. She made herself cereal and sat down. After a few hours Regina was washing up the lunch plates.

The girls came down in matching clothes. They had jeans and an identical blue top. "We will stop annoying you if you can tell who is who" grace says with a smirk. Regina raised an eyebrow at them. "I don't know which one is which when you wear your own clothes. How am I going to tell now" Regina says confused. The girls just smiled at her. "Guess" they both said at the same time.

Regina looked confused and said "stop it" they both smirked and said "stop what" Regina didn't like mind games or them messing with her mind. "Grace" Regina says annoyed. "Yes" they both said at the same time. Regina sighed and walked away. Regina then felt cold water being poured over her head. "Ow my god" she screamed as it hit her.

The girls dropped the bucks on the floor and started laughing. Regina's top tightened to her body so her nipples showed threw the top. The shorts tightened so that more of her ass was hanging of. She looked at them annoyed. "Why" she says glaring at them. They both laughed and said "you didn't guess who was who so we get to make your life a living hell" Regina shrugged and smiled. "If fine. I can play that game as well" she says with a smirk. The girls smirked and raised there eyebrows.

Regina crossed her arms and gripped the bottom of her top. She lifted it up of her body. Her giant boobs dropped down. The girls both looked shocked and Grace said "wow" Regina shrugged and put it in the washing machine. She grabbed a dry top of the side. Emma walked into the house. She went into the kitchen and saw Regina. "Ow my god" she says shocked. Regina put the top on and walked over to Emma. She lifted her mouth up and said "you'll catch a fly if you leave your mouth open like that dear"

She then walked out the room and upstairs. Emma looked at the girls and said "what just happened" they shrugged and said "she just randomly took her top of" Emma went over to the washing machine and looked at the top Regina was wearing. She saw it was wet and said "you threw water over her didn't you" they both laughed and walked away. Emma sighed and put the top back in the machine. "Sometimes I think it's not worth it" she mumbled to herself with a sigh.

Coming up next:
-Regina meets up with friends
-Emma looses one of her jobs
-Regina helps Emma
Hope your enjoying this and keep reading 😊

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