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The Beginning

I can see them standing in front of the champagne fountain, in the middle of the hotel banquet where the holy ceremony of my engagement is being conducted, holding vengeful glasses full of venomous liquids. Their smiles, spitting my life's only colossal wreck.

There they stand. Erect and full of pride. My dad and beloved step-mom.

But before moving on with the story let me brief you with my family chronicles...


My dad is the owner of Zabins' Corp, the far-reaching company in the States. It has varied institutions under its administrations. Therefore, far-reaching and extensive. In short, we're hella rich. My mom was dad's first love, but her belonging to an average household, he had to marry the daughter of an ally.

He had his first child with the woman he married. A boy. My brother, Theodre Zabinsky. Unfortunately, his first love aka my mum got pregnant with his second child. Me. My mum, just in order to protect my father's reputation in the business, didn't tell him that she expected me. After 6 months, he got the information and called my mum in. They argued, yelled, hugged and cried and at last dad asked my mum to marry him. She was beyond happy as she had never gotten over him in the first place.

I was born premature, within 7 months. My brother and step-mum grew to hate me eventually. However, I don't have any hard feelings for my brother, my step-mum is pure evil.

Life wasn't going much normal for me. As for mum, she had gotten her first love back. But again, a tragedy struck our clock and my mum died. Now, I won't give any details but she died in a car crash. So that was it. My breaking point. I had no one in my life for my dad loved me but he started making himself extremely busy and rarely came home. So, I was like Cinderella. The only difference being that I didn't do chores!


Now as for my engagement, I am currently 17 and in high school. But for my dad's business to expand further, he arranged this event with another leading corp, Qikes International. Qikes is the biggest chain of hotels all around the globe. It's both luxurious and expensive. The heir to this corp, my fiance, Max Stone is everything a typical adolescent girl could dream of but he's just not my type. So I am the sole obstruction in this arrangement. And by my choice of words above, you may have noticed that I'm not the type to agree on something too big like this. I'm simply not interested to be bound to some stranger so early in my life. I've yet to finish my bucket list!

So this is me, the daughter of Brian and Grace Zabinsky and the heir to Zabins' Corp, Blaze Agnes Zabinsky.

"Blaze! Come on, it's time." Calls my dad.

"Be right there!" I reply.

I join the guests and make my way towards the front where Max, his parents and my dad and step-mum stands. I smile and nod towards Max's parents and take my place. I can see the look on my dad's face, he is really happy. Obviously for his business, but what about my future? I clench my jaw and then exhale a breath I knew I was holding.

"Let's get over with this thing. Don't make a fuss, alright." My step-mum says in my ear and I turn, giving her my best faked smile.

Yeah, let's.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here for the engagement ceremony of Blaze Zabinsky and Max Stone. Two young lovers, now going to be bounded together for eternity. May god bless these children with love and happiness forever."

"It's time you exchange rings, sweethearts." Says the priest-kinda guy.

I am the first one to do so and as soon as the ring goes into Max's finger, I realize something. There is a huge applause which intrudes my thoughts and I shake away the alien feelings forming in my mind. He extends his arms in order to reach for my fingers to put the ring in place but-

"Wait!" I stop his hand mid-air.

You can only imagine the intensity of glares I get from my dad and step-mum, so I quickly glance away and continue.

"Uh, I-I need to use the restroom." And when no one says a thing I add-

"Urgently." I bow and make a quick run towards the restrooms.

By the time I reach there, I'm breathing heavily. I lock the room from the inside and lean against it for sometime. I just can't do it. I can't let something so huge yet trivial wreck my life till posterity.

I stand erect and take my phone out of my dress pocket and dial Roger, my chauffeur.

"Please." I plead into the phone.

And then I hang up and keep my phone on the marble piece in front of me. The next moment, I'm slitting my floor-length dress till mid-thigh. I open the only window in the room and make a jump to reach the sill. As soon as I land, I look 10 feet. I'am just 5'8, I think in my mind. But this is better than to go back in that suffocating banquet and be bounded with a stranger for the rest of my life.

So I do the only thing I could think of. I shut my eyes close and make a leap out the window.


I open my eyes, tears starting to well up, however, I push them back. I'm okay! Except for the sting in my left knee. But I run anyways. I see Roger standing at the far end with my Ducati 1098 perfectly situated. Hopping on the vehicle, I give a nod of gratitude towards Roger and start the ignition, my bike roaring like a beast. I'm off.

I did it. I ran from my own engagement! Damn.

But where would I go? Shit. Didn't think of that, eh?


After some 6 hours or so I reach the only destination I could think of. New York. My dad has properties at almost every place in the States so I decided the one most beloved. Ithaca, New York. It was the closest one. Plus, someone I know lives there. I reach and take in the massive, lean structure. Simply magnificent. How am I not living here already?

I enter the house and drop my bags almost immediately when I see the figure standing in front of me. He turns around, hanging up the call he was on and 'cause of the look he has on his face, I smirk and the only words that I utter are-



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