Chapter 28: Listen to my heartbeat

Start from the beginning

30 minutes later~

*Stage 11*

"YIBO, WE GOT A MESSAGE FROM PIERCE!" Hyemi yelled into Yibo's ear, over the sound of the singers on stage, as well as, all the dancing, and singing people around them.

Seated on Yibo's shoulder - after complaining that she couldn't see the stage well because of the huge crowd in front of them, she texted Pierce back, telling her they would see her behind stage 8, in 10 minutes. 

Immediately Jungah, Yue, and Sol reacted too. Saying the exact same thing Hyemi had texted in a different way.

"WHAT DOES IT SAY?" Yibo raised his voice back at her, "I'M GOING TO LET YOU DOWN FROM MY SHOULDER!" 

Following suit to his word, he gently put Hyemi down from his shoulder, attracting the attention of Jaebum and Jinyoung.

"What is wrong?!" Jinyoung asked but his words could not be heard over the crowd, yet because of his expression, Hyemi could understand what he was asking.

She pointed her phone, and made a letter p, with her fingers, before stretching them all out, to indicate 10 minutes.

Jinyoung, Jaebum, and Yibo nodded their head, as a confirmation of understanding what she said.

Hyemi gestured for them to follow her, and they started pushing a way out of the crowd for themselves...

*Group 1*

"Are we the first ones to reach here?" Sol questioned looking around, they had arrived behind stage 8 only a little while ago and were now searching for their friends.

"Can't be right?" Jackson commented, letting his gaze wander around the place, "I mean group 2 was at stage 7, a lot closer than ours."

"We should've passed them if they hadn't arrived yet," Mark added with a nod. 

"Sol! Yue!" a familiar voice suddenly called out, from behind the stage.

"MIN!!!" Sol yelled back, as she started running towards her friend.

"I swear to god if she trips." Wenhan groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"Wenhan, sweety, learn to live with it." Yue gave him a sympathetic pat on the back "This is going to be your fate from now on." 

"Great." Wenhan groaned even louder, but Yue didn't hear him as she was already following behind Sol to greet the other girls.

"Hey~" Yue gave them a small wave, joining the already gathered group. 

Min, Jungah, Bambam, Youngjae, Yixuan, and Seungyoun, were gathered in a circle, some leaning against the stage, some on the ground. 

"Hey-hey!" an optimistic voice called out from behind Yixuan and Youngjae, right when Jackson, Sungjoo, Wenhan, Yugyeom, and Mark joined them. 

"Hyemi!" Jungah called out happily, now their group was complete, and they only had to wait for Pierce.

10 minutes passed after the original gathering time, and the group started wondering if Pierce had fooled them, but then a lady with a tablet clutched to her chest and a headset on, approached their group.

"Are you maybe Pierce's friends?" she questioned, scanning the whole group from head to too.

"Yes?" Jungah stepped forward as the spokesperson for the group.

"Pierce asked me to bring all of you to her changing caravan," the lady gestured at a group of caravans stationed a bit away from the stage, hidden between the trees, "But as she is still changing, I can't bring in the boys. How about the girls enter the caravan, and the boys grab a drink at the bar caravan, just next to Pierce's?" 

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