 five 

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Namjoon doesn't see how this plan will work out.

"I don't see how this is gonna work out Taehyung-ah," He says as much, chewing at the corner of his bottom lip nervously and ignoring the flips in his stomach whenever he catches sight of Seokjin from across the large auditorium they're at.

Taehyung – somehow – found out where Seokjin was going to perform for some upcoming contests and got them tickets even though Namjoon is pretty sure they had run out.

(He knows this because he had tried to get his hands on one so he could come and see Seokjin like the creep stalker he is.)

"Of course it will," Taehyung says good-naturedly and Namjoon really wishes he was as confident as Taehyung seems at the moment.

"I'll go up to Seokjin hyung and casually bring up the drama tournament he has and then I'll just casually mention you and then you'll introduce yourself, act all cute just by being you and Seokjin hyung will fall in love with you."

Namjoon blinks and raises a brow, he feels a little offended at how confident Taehyung seems with his so called plan.

Maybe if he distracts Taehyung for a few seconds he can make a bolt to the door and leave before he embarrasses himself.

He notices the sudden doubt on Taehyung's face though, how he wrinkles his brows and chews on his bottom lip in that subtle way he does whenever he thinks he's doing something a bit too out of this world.

Because yeah, Taehyung is all too aware at how utterly stupid this plan is. He may be acting a bit too over the top and if he really thinks about it than he can admit that it's not extravagant in the least.

But since Taehyung isn't known for being an organized and well thought out human being (just ask Hoseok, he has an entire notebook of every failed disaster of a plan Taehyung's ever made) he's going to go through with his dumb plan in hopes (lots and lots of hope) that Seokjin will notice Namjoon.

"I don't think he's even going to want to talk to me," Namjoon sighs out. He folds his arms over his chest making Taehyung frown and pout at him.

"Nuh uh, no sir, this isn't the time for pessimistic attitudes. That's Yoongi hyung's job." He waves a hand at Namjoon's confused face,

"Besides, I know for a fact that Seokjin will want to talk to you. You like to read those boring and mysterious Shake-Pear plays about tragic young love and perverted Ham friends."

Namjoon rolls his eyes, "His name is Shakespeare Tae, that tragic love is called Romeo and Juliet; which may I add has been a great influence in so many works of literature, movies, and music. And how dare you degrade Hamlet like that! Yeah, it's a little pervy, but- what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Taehyung is looking at him with something akin to awe, a brilliantly bright twinkle of fascination burning like a wild fire in his hazel eyes.

Namjoon's stomach tightens and he feels warps of butterflies flying rapidly in his tummy. Taehyung shakes his head fondly, he's looking at Namjoon like he's some kind of god.

Or maybe Namjoon needs new glasses, yep definitely needs some new ones because that is not a blush on Taehyung's face.

"That," Taehyung finally croaks out, "I think that's the longest and most coherent conversation I've had with you since we met."

Namjoon flushes and turns his eyes to focus on his Sperries. There's the sound of a throat being cleared and when Namjoon looks back up Taehyung's face is back to normal, the shine in his eyes gone and Namjoon blinks wondering if he had made that up.

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