⭐️ thirty ⭐️

710 62 47

Taehyung buzzes with energy and anticipation. Through the bus ride to his house he'd kept shifting and bouncy on his seat, making the few people on the bus send him annoyed glares and nasty frowns.

He'd waved them all off, trying not to smile like a weirdo on the public bus as he thought of how he was going to approach Namjoon.

The twilight hour was smoothing the now deserted sidewalks, Taehyung jumped out of the bus as soon as it came to his stop and ran to his house.

"Oh, honey, you finally came. Your brother -"

"Not now, mom!" Taehyung yelled, rushing to his room and slamming the door shut.

His eyes danced in eagerness in the low light coming from the evening sun. Taehyung began to tear his clothing off, throwing on whatever he had lying around as he got on his phone.

He opened the Instagram app, his thumbs with a mind of their own as they searched for Namjoon's account.


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Taehyung couldn't recall the number of times he'd scrolled through the account like a stalker

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Taehyung couldn't recall the number of times he'd scrolled through the account like a stalker. He'd memorized each caption on every single 27 posts Namjoon had collected on there. He'd commented on the one's Namjoon had begun posting after they'd gotten to know one another.

It was always a routine of his to especially gaze with fondness at the few pictures of him and Namjoon, scrolling over the comments they'd tagged one another.

The kind words Namjoon would leave on the captions were practically tattooed in Taehyung's mind and behind his eyelids when he closed his eyes to memorize Namjoon's attractive features.

He would read the comments of the two of them bantering lightly with one another, wistfully wishing to go back to those easy going days of the past.

But the past was in the past. And Taehyung was stubborn in setting this new goal of which Namjoon would come to realize that Seokjin wasn't his prince charming.


hey u wanna eat out after school tomorrow?

Namjoonie hyung 💕:

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