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Charles used to work as a night receptionist in an old established hotel. As was customary during his night shift, he asked his colleague for any updates that had happened during the previous hours. Mick informed him, that an Italian couple were about to check-in in Room 206.

As soon as he sat down, he decided to read a book as the night shift at the hotel was pretty quiet… or so he thought. After some time, Charles heard some footsteps descending the stairs. He quickly straightened his tie and prepared to greet the guests. Although he waited for them to descend, the people never came down! Curiously enough, the footsteps never seemed to ascend the steps, only descend them. On another occasion during his night shift, he heard loud noises which were coming from the hotel’s restaurant, when he knew that the restaurant was empty at that time of night! Since he could hear the clatter of cutlery, people talking a strange language he could not understand, he decided to go and see for himself… When he went into the restaurant, he saw no-one and since he was terrified, he quickly descended the restaurant stairs.

Another frightening occasion occurred when a couple came to look at the hotel rooms so as to make a prospective booking. The receptionist went with the couple to the demo room and started to show them the hotel quarters. No sooner had he started to explain the hotel services, the room was locked and Charles could not open. In order not to frighten his guests, he resorted to phone the reception and ask if someone could come and open the demo room for them. Until someone came to open, he opted to show them the bathroom and as soon as he entered the bathroom lights went off and water started coming out from the taps! Although Charles tried hard to close the taps, he was unsuccessful.

We are not told whether this couple decided to book a room at this hotel, but if I were in their places I would not have run the risk!

An important point worth noting as we speak of ghosts, is the fact that not everyone is sensitive enough to see them. Another curious fact is, that ghosts do not like everybody who is in their territory. Some people were given gold, money and precious objects, if the sceptre likes you. However, others were not so fortunate. Many were terrified out of their wits end and others were also harmed.

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