"Kurogane-kun! Meet my son! Zero!"


"I ain't your son old man." 'Aaaand there he goes.' I thought as I saw the headmaster went to a corner, which was by a tree, and sulked with a gloomy aura around him. I heard the other guy clicked his tongue and raised an eyebrow.

"...Aren't you Kiryū Zero?" I asked and he just stared at me before glaring. 'Did I say something to make him glare at me?'

"Who are you?" He growled and I just kept silent making him annoyed as he went to grab for my collar but I avoided it.

"Who wants to know?" He just continued to glare at me and I just continued to stare at him unamused.

"Obviously me!" He shouted and I sighed. 'A short-tempered one...annoying.'

"Kurogane Yorushiki." I said and he just stared at me with a look in his eyes. Is that shock in his eyes?

"Kurogane? I thought the last Kurogane was Kurogane Akira and Akari." 'So he's heard about my siblings. How nice.'

"I'm older than them by a year."

"Why didn't you join the association earlier?" He snarled and I just shrugged my shoulder making him click his tongue again.

"Kaien-san, are we gonna go or what?" I asked and he sighed and nodded for me to follow along with the silverette. I can feel intense glaring behind my back but chose to ignore it while the headmaster was blabbering about stuff.

'Why is he glaring at me?'

"Ano...are you mad at me?"


"Nothing." I said as I followed Kaien-san inside a building and straight to his office.

'Why don't they have an elevator or escalator? Stairs are so tiring despite being good for our leg work.'

"And here we are! My office!"

"Headmaster." He suddenly jumped and landed on my arms so here I was standing with him on my arms carried like a princess.

"Kaname. You scared me!"

"My apologies headmaster." I took the time to examine the guy in a white uniform. His brown hair was long till his shoulder and had wine colored eyes.

'He looks like a vampire.'

"And who is this might I ask headmaster?" A blonde with green eyes. He was pointing at me and all eyes were on me making me fidget as I placed the headmaster back to his feet.

"Oh him? This our new student!"

"No need to shout by my ear Kaien-san." I said covering one of my ear.

"He is Ku-"

"Who are they Kaien-san?" He sighed and then faced me with a dark look.

"That'll be the last time you ever cut me off my dear boy."

"...What I do?" I asked Kiryū-kun and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Like I was saying. This boy right here is a new transfer student, he's Kurogane Yorushiki."

"Kurogane? A vampire hunter?" I nodded at the blonde and brunette as I sat on the couch with a bored look. The blonde and the brunette said something and the brunette took his hand out and I stared at it confused.


"We're you even listening new student?" I just stared at Kiryū-kun confused and he gave me a glare.

"They introduced themselves Yorushiki." Kaien-san said and I nodded and took the hand.

"Sorry. I'm usually absentminded, excuse me for my manners." The brunette just nodded and then introduced himself again.

"It's alright. I'm Kuran Kaname, president of the Moon dorm and this is Ichijou Takuma. He's the vice-president of the moon dorms."

"Kurogane Yorushiki. Nice to meet you Kuran-san, Ichijou-kun." They both blinked at me and just nodded.

"Oh right! Kurogane-kun. You'll be a school guardian and prefect starting tomorrow." He said looking for something his drawer while Kiryū-kun shouted 'what?!' in the background.

"Here it is! This is your badge and you are to wear it at all times." I nodded as I took the badge and glanced at Kiryū-kun, glaring at me, with a confused look and pointed at him.

"Did I do something to make him mad Kaien-san?" Kaien-san just stared at Kiryū-kun and shook his head.

"He's always like that." He said and I nodded and he gave me directions on where to go since Kiryū-kun wouldn't budge about showing me to my dorm. I didn't mind though.

"So your room is on the top floor of the building and its already decorated to your liking!"

"Decorated...to my liking?" Kaien-san nodded and I just tilted my head.

"I heard from Yanagi that you like dark colors like navy blue, forest green, maroon, and black. So~ I decorated it!"

"...In what color?"

"Well he did say you prefer red so red! But why do you like red?" He asked and I was silent before I asked him a question.

"Have you heard of the rumour about my family?" He looked confused.

"Which rumour?" I just looked out the window behind him staring at the moon.

"About how we see pleasure into killing." He seemed shocked and so did the other three in the room. He nodded as a sign for me to continue.

"That's kinda the reason why I like red. It reminds me of how the blood of a level E is splattered on the ground as it stains the pavement. I may look like I'm uninterested in those but I'm actually, in the associations eyes, a killing machine. I do it usually just to kill time especially when I'm bored because..." I paused and he had a tense look on his face.

"Because not a single thing in this twisted world interests me. Not even the existence of a vampire."

"Why not?" Ichijou-san asked as I navigated my eyes to where he was standing.

"Why? Because in my eyes vampires are just humans with fangs for them to use to suck on other humans to live. To me, it is basically cannibalism however, the only difference is that vampires live a more organized life than simple humans do." They all just stared at me as I sighed.

"Sometimes I wondered how the very first vampire in the world came. Was he an experiment? A mistake? Or was he living being born, moulded and made to make humans receive punishment? Well not all vampires do that so it's all up to the person's way of thinking." I said as I made my way to the door, grabbing my stuff.

"That would be all I'd like to say. Excuse me and have a good night to you all."

As I made my way outside towards the Sun dorm building, stopping a few feet away from the gate as I turned around and stared at the moon.

"Vampire huh."
"What are vampires?"

Dark Heart [VK Fanfic]  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now