Chap: 8

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Ed's POV:
It's been a week and we came back, we are on the train heading back because there was no leads, with the City of Heresy. We are going Back at East City, I was thinking what he said about the stone is he right? I shook my head no he can't be! I was reading about Al and my alchemy, I looked on limits, 'do we have limits in our alchemy? What if we need to use them? What if I can't use it when Al needs it?' I was freaking out inside but I guess I'm used to keeping everything in, it is my fault mom is dead it's my fault that my brother is a suit of armor and I know he secretly despises me, it's always my fault. We got off the train and we stared walking home, all the way there I was thinking about the limits on our alchemy, what if I can't do alchemy? I looked up at the sky and thought, 'it looks like rain in a little.' Al looked in front of us and said, " Bother! Look!" I looked where he was looking and I saw scar. I glared at him, he was walking towards us and smiling, 'He has something planned,' I thought. I said, "Al let's go!" We started to run at him and fight him but he was to strong he injured me and Al. I said, "Al retreat!" We went down alleyways and turns but it seems like he was right behind us.We ended up trapped in an alleyway. We had to wait until he came and that wasn't very long. He came closer and then stoped. I turned my right hand into my weapon and stared to attack him Al stared to do the same thing but he grabbed Al's arm and broke it then his legs and other arm I yelled and attacked him. He grabbed my right arm and broke it. I screamed when he it off ripped it off and blood cane pouring out slowly. I fell on the ground containing any dignity waiting for him to finish me. He got on top of me and stared punching me. After about i don't know how long a voice said, "Get off the kid, now!" He stoped and looked up, flames were going everywhere and attacking scar, while he was busy with the colonel I was trying to crawl to Al. All I felt was pain but all I'm worried about is Al. I finally got there and tried to talk to him all that came out was nothing. I felt I was getting picked up by the neck/throat. Then I heard scar speak, "Well are you going to fire when I have your baby in my hands?" I was confused and sick and the same time. The colonel said, "What are you talking about?" Scar looked surprise, and said, "oh then if you don't know, wow. you slept with him didn't you?" He nodded scar continued, "Ok then fullmetal knows or he might not, I just can't believe if he knew he wouldn't tell you." He looked at me and then looked at the colonel. The colonel said, "What are you trying to get at?" Scar smiled and said, "He is pregnant,and it's your baby." The colonel's eyes widened and it stared raining. It was scar's chance to take him down when a bullets went in scar. He took them out and he was healed instantly I said, "He is a Ishvalan, be careful." He dropped me on the floor, and I coughed out blood. Hawkeye came out of the dark shadows and nodded to me. She kept shooting him until Armstrong came and took care of him, the colonel rushed to me and pick me up I stoped him and point to Al and said, "pl-please he-help him fi-first." Armstrong came back and told us that he went in the sewers. Hawkeye told him to pick up Al's body parts and walk with us. I was in his arms I felt safe and warm, warm? Why do i fell warm I wonder? I'll deal with it later I grabbed in to the colonel's shirt and looked at Al next to me. I was going in and out of conscious and I finally gave in.

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