Woojin set his bowl down and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.  "I'm not really apart of this.  This was all Hyunjin, he just needed a car." Woojin put his hands up, claiming his innocence.  Changbin looked at Hyunjin with a questioning eyebrow.

"Okay, look... I talked to Jeongin and he was telling me how you've been getting close with the transfer student, Felix?  Well, I've had this sneaking suspicion about him being X, and I was wondering if you could do some recon for me?" Hyunjin asked with fake pleading eyes, but Changbin just rolled his.

"And why would I do that?  Not only does that put my friendship with him on the line, but that's just an overall shitty thing to do.  I'm not gonna go behind his back and investigate him just because you want to know some dumb kids identity." The waiter came by the table and placed the check down next to Woojin. 

Hyunjin sighed.  "Fine... I'll just do some of my own recon then!"

"Yeah, good luck with that," Changbin scoffed and looked to Woojin.  "We good?"

"Yep!" The three stood up from the table, stopped at the front to pay for their meal, and left.

The end of the day came around a lot quicker than Changbin expected, but he wasn't complaining.  He was finishing up at his locker when he spotted a familiar face down the hall.  He was talking with Jeongin and someone that he didn't recognize.  He rushed to finish putting his things in his bag and slammed his locker shut.  He shouldered his bag and jogged his way down the hall to the group of people.

"Hey, guys," He greeted as he slowed his pace to a walk and stopped next to Felix.

"Hey Hyung," Jeongin smiled at Felix.  "Oh!  You finally get to meet Changbin!  Changbin, this is Jungwoo.  Jungwoo, this is Changbin," Jeongin introduced him to the unfamiliar person.  Jungwoo smiled softly and bowed, Changbin returning the gesture.

"Nice to meet you Jungwoo."

"You as well," Jungwoo's voice was soft, but he wasn't nervous.  Changbin smiled at the kid's apparent self confidence.  "So, you guys heading out?"

"Yeah, Jungwoo is gonna walk home with us because he and I are gonna study for a bit," Jeongin explained and Changbin nodded.

"Alright, sounds good to me," He smiled at Jeongin then at Jungwoo.  The four of them headed down the hall, Jeongin and Jungwoo in the front and Felix and Changbin in the back.


"I mean, I never really thought of it that way," Felix laughed at Changbin's random inquiry.

"Well, it makes total sense!  I mean, if we share about fifty percent of our dna with a banana, then that would technically mean that we are related to a fruit.  They'd be like, out thirtieth cousin or some shit!" Changbin laughed as he explained his random sense of knowledge to Felix, who was struggling to breath at this point.

"I guess so... I mean, I don't know anything so I can't really dispute with you, so I'll just agree," Felix calmed down enough to actually manage normal speech. 

The two fell silent for a moment.  Changbin looked ahead to the two walking a ways in front of them, then glanced at Felix before he let out a sigh.  "So.."


Changbin took a breath in.  "So, I know you've been struggling to adjust and everything.  I'm assuming you keep up with the school blogger, right?" Felix nodded.  "Okay, so then you know about X?" Fleix hesitated for a moment before nodding again.  "Okay, well, I think you should message him."

Felix shot his head up at Changbin.  "Whoa, why?  Doesn't he never respond or something?"

Changbin shrugged.  "Well, I thought that that's what he did.  Never respond, but he messaged me last night.  That's besides the point though.  What I'm trying to get at I'd that he seems to be going through similar stuff, or at least similar feelings, so maybe it'll help you to talk to someone who understands what you're going through."

Felix looked down at his feet as the two continued to walk.  "Alright..."

Changbin looked at the person walking next to him.  "So you'll message him?"

Felix nodded.




So here we are.  Two updates in 1 night/morning.  And they're both real chapters!!!!!!! WAHHHHH amazing... My whole body hurts tho so I highkey think I'm sick so updates may be a bit slow until I'm not sick (if I'm even sick).  Also I GOT THE NOTIFICATION FOR D9 DANCE PRACTICE WHILST IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS UODATE AND I HIGHKEY DIED... I am not ready for that video......... OMFG I just realized that the name of their album is literally this entire fandom.  I am NOT ready for SK EVER.... That's just my permanent mood.  From this moment on, I will forever NOT BE READY for anything SK does.  That is all.  Lol.  Love ya losers!!! <3

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