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Changbin walked down the hall with Woojin and Hyunjin, who had some how roped him into going to lunch with them.  They all usually ate at the school, since it was cheap and easy, but the two approached Changbin at the end of Physics, which they all took together, and asked him if he wanted to go out to eat with them.  He tried refusing, but they wouldn't let him.

The duo along with a not so happy Changbin made their way outside and too Woojin's car.  As they were walking to the car, Changbin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, so he pulled it out. 

"Yah, what do you want Jisung?" Changbin asked as he opened the door to the car.

"Ey, check the attitude man.  And we were all just wondering where you were and if you knew where Hyunjin and Woojin were?" Changbin could hear the rest of his friend group in the background, as well as the rest of the busy cafeteria.

He sighed and buckled himself in the seat then closed the car door.  "Well, considering that they both kind of kidnapped me and are forcing me to go on this expedition for lunch, I'd say that I do know where they are."

"Yah!  You guys are going out to eat without us!?  What the hell dude!  Are we just chopped liver or some shit?"

Changbin rolled his eyes.  "No, I don't think you heard me.  They're forcing me to go out to lunch with them.  I had no say in this matter."

"Hand me the phone," Woojin demanded and held out his hand for Changbin to place the phone in.  Once he handed Woojin the phone, Woonin put it up to his ear and started talking.  "Jisung, shut up.  Hyunjin and I are just taking Changbin out on a quick trip.  We aren't doing anything fancy, so shut the fuck up, quit whining and go eat your lunch." Then, without hesitation, Woojin hung up and tossed the phone back to Changbin.  "There, problem solved." He said with a smile as he put the car in drive. 

The car pulled up to a small noodle shop and Changbin decided that it wasn't going to be too bad after all.  Woojin parked the car and the three made their way inside of the small restaurant.

"How many?" A hostess asked as soon as they walked in.

"Uh, three," Woojin said with his signature smile, earning him a smile in return.  The hostess motioned for them to follow her to the far side of the room.  She laid down three menus and told the three that someone would be by to take their order in a moment.

Changbin sat down and looked around the small restaurant.  "Wow, this place is pretty cool.  How'd you find it?" He asked Woojin, who looked up from his menu.

"Oh, one of my dad's business partners is from Japan and he said that this is the best and most authentic tasting ramen he's ever had abroad, so naturally, my dad checked the place out." Woojin went back to looking through his menu, and Changbin decided to do the same.

After a few minutes, a waiter came by and took their orders.  Changbin decided on ordering Sapporo style ramen, while Hyunjin ordered Tokyi style and Woojin ordered Kurume style.  The three talked about school and things of the sort while they waited for their food.

It didn't take too long for their food to be brought to them, and once Changbin layed eyes on his food, his mouth became a waterfall.  It looked absolutely delicious and he was excited to eat it.  The three started to eat, the sound of their food disappearing from the bowls filling the silence that fell over the table.

It didn't take long for Changbin to finish his food, and once he was done, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and let out a sigh.

"Okay, so why did you bring me out here?  What do you guys want?" He asked.  He knew something was up, and he just wanted to know what it was.

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