Chapter 4: A Time To Party

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A few days had gone by since Rowan had mentioned her birthday. Poppy had managed to introduce her to the rest of the gang. First, she had introduced Smidge and Biggie upon Rowan's mention of the trolls who had been stalking her not too long ago. She seemed to get along well with them- accepting tea and crumpets quite great-fully when Biggie had insisted they join him for tea. Then they had made their way to Satin and Chenille's pod, who had commented on the simplicity of Rowan's dress and immediately began discussing ways to improve it which had annoyed her. Then she met DJ Suki, then Cooper who she found...interesting, Fuzzbert...then Guy Diamond.

Her encounter with Guy had been...unforgettable to say the least. As soon as she realized he was naked- which was quite soon after seeing him-, her eyes went wide, and she had jumped back with a high-pitched squeak. She promptly explained, while hiding her eyes that being alone, she had to come up with her own sets of ideals and morals, and had never read anything about naked trolls. Because of this, the concept of someone walking around like this was foreign to her and made her just a little uncomfortable.

She had managed to deal with it, maintaining a conversation with the help of Poppy and keeping a comfortable distance. It was a good thing she kept that distance too, otherwise, she would have been hit with, what he called his "greatest gift". He farted, spewing glitter through the air. Rowan was completely caught off guard by this, and her horror was very prominent on her face as she took another step back.

"What?" Guy had asked, in a slightly hurt tone. He had wanted the new troll to like him.

"Yeah, um...I'm not too big of a fan of byproducts from the bodies of other people. It grosses me out," She had replied.

"Oh..." he had said, then mumbled something about DJ, slouched, and walked away. Poppy looked at Rowan in response to what just happened, but all she was able to do was shrug, disappointed.

"Well, I guess it's fair to warn you that if you don't like Guy Diamond's glitter, you're really going to want to stay away from Cooper's cupcakes." She said. Rowan had just nodded, taking Poppy's word for it.

"Speaking of cupcakes, how do you think you would like to go to King Gristle's birthday party today?" Poppy asked, putting her hands behind her back. Rowan's face immediately twisted at the thought of the bergens. She still believed them to be monsters, and always would.

"No way. I don't like parties. And even if I wanted to go, I was banished from Bergen Town, I can't go." Of course, she was just using the latter as an excuse, however true it was.

"Hmm...yeah, I guess that is an issue..I'll be back in a while. You go see Satin and Chenille, I had them make something for you." Poppy said, running off and jumping on a nearby bug, flying away

"Hm. Really?" Rowan muttered, "Make something for me? Is that...a gift?" It had been a very long time since she had received a gift. The last ones she had ever received were two stuffed animals from her parents. The bear she called Barry, and a small pink rabbit she called Fizz. Her parent's favorite animals. Suddenly, she felt very sad. She missed her parents. She missed her family. Perhaps it was a good idea to check out what Satin and Chenille had for her. It'd be better than standing around feeling sorry for herself. Plus, her curiosity wouldn't let her stay away.


"King Gristle!" Poppy declared as she road her bug to the feet of his throne, "I need another favor!"

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"I need you to un-banish Rowan."


"That troll from the troll tree."

"Oh...but I thought you wanted her banished so that she wouldn't be able to run away again? If I banish her now she's just going to go back into her tree." Gristle looked confused. Poppy shook her head.

Trolls: I Hear a Song!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن