Chapter VII: Incarcerated

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This is the most psychopathic individual she has ever come across, or even in the history books she has read. Life is but a toy for this man. Pain and suffering is his joy. Worst of all, she can't even see the face of this monstrous man.

"What do you want with us?" Drayk manages to ask.

"Karleigh said I get to kill you Drayk and while Roku watches too! Oh! So exciting! Wouldn't you say?" Sota teases him, "It is for me anyways. I'm going to leave you here another couple days though. You'll be more fun to torture after you've had time to stir into insanity!"

Sota laughs maniacally as he walks out of the cell. Slamming the bar door shut, he walks away. The echo of his laugh fading away, then finally disappearing after the sound of another slamming door. Drayk is in the worst pain he has ever felt. A few of his ribs may even be broken. He can feel the blood dripping down his side to his waist.

Many hours later~

All is quiet except for the sound of rats scurrying around the jail floor. The stone is cold against their skin, making them shiver. Both Drayk and Roku are in excruciating pain, just left here to suffer. Thoughts of Sammi play over in Drayk's mind. He is stricken with guilt and sorrow. He then feels as if they have failed the Goddess of Light after only just beginning their quest to redeem her.

Roku's mind wanders to her little home in the mountains, and to her master. He would be so disappointed in her to know she was in this situation. Leon comes to her mind and she immediately feels like they let him down as well. He is the one who trained them, who believed in them. He is the one who opened their eyes to new ideals and a new way of seeing the world.

Here they are though. Imprisoned. Not knowing of any way they can possibly escape. Magic is out of the question and no one even knows they're here. This can't be the end for them. A burning passion to continue rages inside of Drayk and Roku. They don't want to let things end. Before the few days are up, they will attempt to come up with a plan. The Bringers of Hope must prevail!

The next day ~

This is the second day of being incarcerated. The Bringers of Hope are trapped with certain death in the horizon. Drayk and Roku are starved, dehydrated and extremely fatigued. It's rather difficult to sleep when they are suspended above the floor from their wrists. The pain in Roku's muscles are finally subsiding. Blood is stained in the hemp fabric of Drayk's prison garbs. The sound of a heavy iron door echoes in the stone jail room. Footsteps knock on the floor with every step. They sound lighter on there feet than when Sota had walked down.

The shadow of a hooded man shows in the wall before he does. The man is much shorter than Sota, as well as much skinnier. Drayk and Roku are attacked with fear, knowing they hang helpless. Down goes the hood, and a familiar face is seen staring at them with a smile. Xel! He had somehow known they are here! Grabbing the iron bars, Xel's hands start to glow bright yellow. The bars became flexible and allows Xel to pry them apart. He climbs in between the bars and stops a few feet away from them. The sight of the Bringers of Hope on the verge of death enrages him. Xel pushes up against the wall, hands spread a couple feet apart, right in between Drayk and Roku. His hands glow yellow once again and the whole wall they are touching to turns white for a moment. Xel then taps in the center of wall. The wall cracks and disintegrates into a fine dust, releasing them to the cell floor.

Xel kneels over Roku with his palms facing her. The ground around her glows yellow, The light absorbing into her. Suddenly all her pain is gone. She can still feel the fatigue and hunger, but the pain is no more. Xel removes the leather from Roku's hands.

"Thank you Xel. I've got this from here," Roku smiles at him.

Roku levitates a few inches off the ground. Her arms are spread out at shoulder level. The entirety of her body radiates a golden yellow aura. The whole cell illuminates from her light. Drayk, who is lying down, also raises above the stone floor. Soon, his body is consumed by the same light. Drayk's body twists upright and the two of them lower to the ground. Their fatigue, hunger, pain and wounds completely better.

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (Rewrite, Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ