at the hospital

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Heart beet monitor:/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\__/\_/\___/\_/\_/\/\
Chris:doctor,what's the problem
Doc:we need to ask u some questions
Mel:me too?
Doc:yes ma'am.I would like to Chris personally for a min
Mel:ok I'll stay with itzel😞
Chris point of view
Doc:hey Chris,
Me:excuse me,but how-
Doc:I know u might not remember me*takes off mask*
Me:wait u look familar ,
Doc:yes,I'm that old lady that gave u a key
Me:yeah,what r u doing here?
Old lady:look this day was going to happen,
Me:look I'm so confused,tell me everything
Old lady:so I was killed when I donated blood to u and the people from above gave me this task to have u and itzel together,listen Thiers more.that key I Gave u 7 or 8years ago do u still have it
Me:yes,its an a small box,why
0ld lady:perfect,the pieces are in place for you ...yes finally I'm free
Old lady:u have to set me free
Me:how,wait what's wrong with itzel
Old lady:look,itzel had feelings for u in the past ,she didn't want to forget u so I guess the feeling she had for u came again and were too strong,thierfore if she was in a relation ship with someone,might of cause her to get a other memories-
Me:ur fading
Old lady:Chris I have to go but take care of her...she had...heartsma..follow...ur...HEART..bye*fades away*
*walk back to the room*
Hey Mel I need u to tellme  where Ethan lives😠
Mel:cinos,and gill street,why
Me:I need to kick some ones ass
Mel:u no what we need to kick someones ass ,I'm coming
Me:ok let's go,wait i need a min alone with itzel
Mel:ok take ur time I'll be by the vending machines
Me:itzel😞,I know ur unconious but I was dissapointed in Ethan to loose the bueatifull girl in his life.I know what happened to u that u don't remember......😞.. I
Itzel:whispers,Chris,I love u too...I need u to do somthing
Itzel:Thiers a wooden locked case,if u can open it read the diary..
Me:ok,itzel?!?!?!please don't die on me😖
Itzsl :I'm ...not dying I'm ..just going to be put asleep...😁😴😴😴
Me:0h,itzel?!?!*kisses her forehead*I'll be back soon
*bumps into a real doc*
Rdoc:Hey Mr. Chris we know what happened to itzel about her memory
Rdoc:heartsma= it made itzelhave a different memory than actually seeing the reality
Me:will that keep happening?
Rdoc:no it happens to most women only once
Me:uh,thanks doc but I have to go
Me:show me the way

roomates(short Chapters)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora