the biggining

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I'm Itzel age 17,I was driving home from school after a big fight at school..My parents were upset for what happened but these fights always happened because I got bullied but I never felt confident to tell my parents. I backed away my perants when I was 8 year old when they told me I was a disappointment ,useless,and mastake.ever since just lost my hope,passion and dreams.
the reason I was picked on was for being a girl with little boobs and small butt...but my Two best friends that were men was ethan and Chris . Ethan was age same age as me 12,chris the assistant principal of the junior high as 20 years old.chris/mr.nogami was my first freind.

roomates(short Chapters)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ