I Missed You

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Peter called me for the first time in weeks, score!

"Covey!" He exclaimed.

I stayed quiet a for a hot second, because I realized I never had an actual nickname for him.

"Peter!" I couldn't make up a nickname on the spot.

"Hm? Why was it quiet on your side of the line?" Peter asked.

"What? Must've been cut off." I'll just explain to him later when it comes up.

It was silent for a second, but I can hear on Peter's side a pencil writing frantically, and a few textbook pages turn here and there. I felt bad, but it made me smile a bit that he called me when he was still busy.

"Kavinsky, you good over there?" I asked.

"What? Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired from practice is all." He responded, soon mumbling "fuck"at this point I can practically see an eraser erasing on his notes as much as I can hear it.

When he cursed, my heart starting beating a little as a sudden image of Peter wearing a leather jacket and his hair gelled back like a greaser. I ended up giggling a little before hearing his voice again.

"What's so funny? I heard that!"
"Nothing! But are you ready for spring break? Mine just started today, I'm packing right now since I'm leaving in a few hours." It technically wasn't a lie. My "ten minute break" had started exactly ten minutes ago, but when Peter called, I was already going over by five minutes.

"Oh really?" He said, as I heard his bed springs squeaking a little when he layed down. Proof UVA's that old, told him but he didn't believe me.

"But besides that, I'm ready for spring break, and I'm ready to see you too." I smile. I could already imagine what it would be like to reunite with Peter, face to face again. He would pick me up in his arms and spin me around with the cutest smile in the world. I could smell his fresh shower, and get lost in his dreamy eyes, like I'm falling in love all over again.

"I'm excited to see you again Covey, really am." He chuckled.

"We can bake cookies when we meet, and you can borrow my dad's apron." I said, zipping my duffel bag and keeping the phone on my shoulder.

"Huh?" He paused for a second. "Which apron? The "Best Daddy in The World" apron? No offense Covey, not my thing."

"Peter! I'm hurt, I bought that for him!" I laughed, putting on my backpack and carrying my duffel bag.

"Yeah, but it would be odd for your boyfriend wearing that, think hard." I thought about for a second, and the line went silent again.

Always and Forever, Lara and PeterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt