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When I wake up the following morning, the morning light reflecting through the deep waters or the black lake, I can already tell this year's going to be good

I swing myself out of bed and instantly realise how much of a mess I look, with my uniform on and my hair sticking out in ways that don't follow the muggle laws of physics, then again maybe not, I think to myself.

 Luckily none of the other girls are awake yet and I quickly rush to the nearest bathroom to sort myself out and clean myself up. I almost scream at my reflection but hold it in, careful not to walk up the others.  I change quickly out of my dirty uniform and clean myself up before brushing my hair neatly and putting on a clean uniform.

I stroll out of the bathroom, absent-mindedly tying my tie and almost walk into Pansy who unfortunately didn't get up early enough for me not to see her looking a complete mess. I'm about to smile sympathetically but stop at the last moment, deciding it's better to seem as if I've been this well-put-together this whole time and instead send an 'oh honey' smile at her. She looks insanely embarrassed and scuttles into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and waking everyone up. It's not the nicest way I could be treating the girl who is essentially my best friend, but I doubt she'd treat me any differently. In fact, she's probably be worse.

A chorus of tired good morning's float around the room as everyone starts to get up. Deciding I can't be bothered to wait for anyone, I head down to the Great Hall on my own to get breakfast. The selection is huge though I eventually decide on granola and yoghurt with strawberries. I'm not too sure why it took so long for me to decide considering this is what i've had for breakfast every morning here for two years but oh well. I take my bowl and sit down at an empty bench, not that it's hard to find one, only six other people are in the hall and two are professors.

Eventually more people start to come in and mill around and other Slytherins start to dot themselves around me, all chatting tiredly. 

I finish my breakfast and join in with a nearby conversation about some upcoming Quidditch matches which is surprising since it's only the second day back. Apparently it's Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff and everyone is discussing possible ways to fix it so that Gryffindor loses or so that Potter falls off his broomstick or has another unfortunate 'accident'. I laugh along with everything that's being said and the thought of Potter dangling from his broomstick just like in our first year is a pretty funny sight to imagine. I look at the time quickly and see that we all have 10 minutes to get to our first class. Everyone suddenly scrambles and we head off to potions with Professor Snape.


Me and a few others including Malfoy and Blaise wander in with only seconds to spare, earning us and aggressive scowl from Snape and a laugh from a few Gryffindors, who get promptly shut up by Snape. I sit down quickly and open my book to the correct page, finding a load of information about a potion that makes the drinker go temporarily blind. 

"Just give them a strong enough butterbeer and it'll do the trick" I hear Malfoy snicker from behind me. I then hear a soft thwap! and turn around to see Snape with a book in his hand, stood behind his head. A chuckle escapes me and I smile until Snape face is about 5 inches from mine. 

"Something funny, Miss Avery?"

"No professor." 

He backs off and continues to talk about the dangers of the potion and how it can kill you if you brew it incorrectly. His voice seems to drone on and on and on, getting further and further away and I find myself almost drifting asleep despite my overall love for potions and general excitement for the new school year.

Finally the class is over and I'm ready to leave when I hear a nasal voice calling me back into the classroom. 

"Yes, Professor?"

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