"I have to pee."

"My friends, we have arrived," Reepicheep stated, ending their laughter, and seconds later, he jumped to the sand. A huge wave was the only thing they could see, and Isabelle found herself staring at it with admiration. It looked so much bigger and more amazing than in the movie.

Edmund helped her climb out of the boat, and after they began to walk towards the wave, Isabelle noticed that he still hadn't let go of her hand. And she didn't do anything about it.

"Aslan," Eustace spoke up after he noticed the lion following them.

They turned around, and the Great Lion was in front of them. Isabelle gasped. He looked marvellous. As she stopped at his sight, she tumbled and almost fell, with that, she let go of Edmund's hand. The others grinned at the clumsy girl blithely. Seb started flying around Aslan, which made the lion let out a soft chuckle.

"Welcome, children. You have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far, and now your journey is at its end," he spoke. Once again, goosebumps went down Isabelle's spine after hearing his voice which was deep and smooth.

"Is this your country?"

"No, my country lies beyond."

"Is my father in your country?" Caspian looked at him, hope lying in his eyes.

"You can only find that out for yourself, my son. But you should know that if you continue, there is no return," Aslan replied to the king. Caspian walked closer to the wave and touched it, but eventually, he went back to the others.

"You're not going?" Edmund quizzed in surprise.

"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom. People. I promise to be a better king," he said, looking at Aslan at the last part.

"You already are," the lion smiled gently.

"I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu," Edmund told his sister, whose smile froze on her face.

"But I thought you loved it here," she said uncomprehendingly.

"I do," he replied and looked at Isabelle inconspicuously. "But I love home and our family as well. They need us," he put his hand on his sister's shoulder comfortingly.

Isabelle smiled, remembering that what he loved most was his family, and although she was there with him that moment and he was in Narnia, he only had Lucy and Eustace with him. The other part of his family were far from him.

"Your Eminence," Reep spoke, earning Aslan's attention. "Ever since I can remember, I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission, I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

"My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter how small their bearers be," Aslan gave a satisfying response. The others agreed with him with bright smiles.

"I will miss you, drama queen," Isabelle told the noble mouse when he began to say goodbye to them.

"I will miss you too, you mysterious girl from the other world," Reepicheep smiled and gave her a high-five, which made her laugh. She taught him that. After saying goodbye to all of them, he stuck his sword into the sand and hopped in a tiny boat. With that, he left to Aslan's country.

"I think it's time for me to go, isn't it?" Isabelle's eyes were on the large wise lion right after the mouse was out of sight.

"Yes," he replied with a nod.

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