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It's been three weeks since that pathetic maid, Elena, left

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It's been three weeks since that pathetic maid, Elena, left. According to my mother she has been going through the tortures of hell. The Kingstar family having an obsession with perfection didn't really escape the servants of the house. The only reason they were originally treated well was because they had a certain level of capability. Apparently that woman can't even tell the difference between a bed sheet and a curtain. I was having fun hearing about how they were treating her. This might sound like something a villain would say but on my defense I was being fooled from the start by that woman and my so called husband. I had the right to pass that woman through some rough experiences and... who knows, maybe she'll improve while staying there. I was currently home with Simon was staring at the television bored. Ever since she left he had either been working on his office or watching television. He wasn't interested in hanging out with me. So I decided to show him a bit of the excitment of the past.

- Simon, what do you say we have dinner out tonight? We haven't really been out in a while. I said and he glanced at me for a moment before his attention returned to the television again.

- I don't know, where exactly? He asked and I felt my anger raising slowly.

- What about that new restaurant that opened up a few blocks away? It's not far and we can see what it's worth. I said and he seemed to consider my offer.

- Okay, if that's what you want. He said and I smiled.

- Then you should get ready, darling. I said and kissed him, he didn't really react but he didn't draw back either. Maybe that was progress, or maybe not. I decided to get ready and left for my room. It took a while to prepare myself but the result was impressive. Once I had taken care of all the details I went downstairs and looked around, I didn't see Simon but I knew he was around. I went towards his office when I heard him talk on the phone.

- I know, babe but please be patient.... Yes, I do understand but... listen in two months everything will be over. He said and I left the room as my nerves were now reaching their climax. Two months?! This was too soon... I didn't know how Daniel and Kai had gone with my father's dark buisness so I was hoping for some good news. I decided to check that out tomorrow. For now, I had to do something to gain us some time. There was only one thing  to do, I had to use Simon's lust, that might have been the only thing that could save us now. Once he came back from his office he looked at me and smiled, apparently my dress was already giving me a head start. 

- So? What do you think? I asked and spinned around. He laughed and for one second he looked like his old self, the one that might had indeed been in love with me. 

- You're gorgerous as always. He said and I smiled satisfied.

- You know how to charm a lady, don't you?

- Only if the lady happens to look like you, my dear. He said and offered me his hand. I took it and together we exited the house. I had to admit, Simon was a very good actor, I enjoyed the night and made sure I had wasn't suspecting anything, he was trying to butter me up and if I was as clueless as I was back then, I would have fallen for that. 

- So, shall we head home? I asked and he nodded, we got into the car and returned back in the mansion where I put the second part of my plan in motion, I was able to seduce him and spend the whole night with him, though in all honesty, I have never felt so disgusted with myself in a long time. The last time I felt something like this was when I used Daniel's and Kai's emotions to protect my family. 

 The next morning was far from calm, I woke up earlier than Simon, dressed up and left the house, on the way to the Kingstar mansion I called everyone else. I told them to meet me there as soon as possible because I had something very important to discuss. Daniel and Kai were hesitant but once I told them yesterdays "activities" they got fired up and left in a hurry. Apparently their feeling towards me weren't really gone, reduced perhaps? That wasn't important right now. Once we reached the house I met Bella who seemed worried about my sudden call. 

- What happened Regina? She asked and with a quick glance behind her I saw Elena, hiding behind her.

- For starters I have some good news to tell you. I said with a fake smile, one that only Bella would recognize. She realized we were being watched and faked her own excitment.

- Did something happen with Simon? She asked me. I nodded.

- We finally completed our relationship. He and I finally became one. I said and she smiled, I saw Elena's face change from shock to anger and from anger to jealousy. I was going to smile but Daniel and Kai entered the mansion at the same time.

- Is what you told us true? Daniel asked.

- It is. But let's talk someplace elsewhere, what about the garden? It's such a nice day it's pity to stay indoors. I said and I hinted them that we weren't alone.

- Sure thing, sister. Has any of you ate breakfast, we can eat out. Bella said and Kai nodded.

- Then let's do it, is there a maid around to inform her about this? He said and I began heading upstairs, Elena had went further and was now pretending to come at my direction at the same time. When I saw her I smiled at her.

- Well hello Elena, I see you're in good health. I said and she nodded.

- I can say the same about you, lady Regina.

- True, so how have you been? Are things okay with my mother? She can be a bit of a snob at times. 

- I can manage. I'm happy that I, at the very least, have a job to sustain myself.

- Good then. Ah! I nearly forgot. Can you please prepare breakfast and deliver it to the garden? 

- Yes, my lady. She answered and left to complete her task. I gave a quick glance behind me before leaving a sigh of frustration.

- Just wait and see, my vengeance is not something to be taken lightly. 

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