Dominant female.

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As I had suspected there were items missing from my room, jewelry, clothes even ornaments! Without thinking I went down to Simon's office and burst the door open

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

As I had suspected there were items missing from my room, jewelry, clothes even ornaments! Without thinking I went down to Simon's office and burst the door open. 

- Simon! Someone is stealing my stuff. I said and he looked at me shocked. Then he obviously paniced but managed not to lose his cool completely. Little did he know, I was already aware of the culprit.

- Are you sure? Maybe you forgot them somewhere.

- Half of my jewelry are gone, my favorite clothes are gone and so are some ornaments that I took from my family's house. Even if I had forgotten half my jewelry and my clothes somewhere I am positive these ornaments would have been in my room simply because I never move them. I explained and then he lowered his head in defeat knowing that making me upset wouldn't benefit him.

- What do we do then?

- I'm going to search the rooms of the servants, one by one if necessary and if I discover that one of them has my things then he or she will learn how cruel I can really be. I said coldly and I could bet that I was terryfying at that moment, well judging by Simon's expression at least. I turned around and headed of to the rooms of the servants. One by one I searched carefully but found nothing. Then I reached the room of my husbands lover, I burst the door open and then I smiled. She was standing in front a mirror with one of my dresses and my jewelry, around the room I saw the ornaments decorating the room. The same moment I looked at her she backed away scared. 

- La...lady Regina.... you...

- Be queit! You better pack your things and go to Simon's office to take this months payment and then leave. I'm taking back my things RIGHT NOW! I said and she glared at me.

- You can't do that!!!!

- Of course I can! I am the lady of this house, the dominant female. You are nothing more than thief. I said and Simon came to the room that exact moment. One gaze at his lover and he knew this was the end of her.

- Regina, my love, calm down.

- Calm down? I return after comforting my mother and trying to forget about my fathers death and I come here to discover that you brought a female who doesn't know her place and has the nerve to steal from me!

- I understand but you are a sane person and understanding.

- And because I am sane and understanding I wont give her to the police, however I want her gone from here NOW! I said and Simon realised that I was holding my rage back and that I was giving her a choice. He looked at the maid and nodded.

- Take off Regina's clothes and come to my office. Don't you dare take anything that belongs to her with you. He said in a threatening manner. She looked at him in desbelief but in the end she lowered her head and nodded. I took the items I discovered around the room and ordered a few maids to search more and see if anything else was stolen from me, I told them to bring them to me at once and that for every item that was returned to me I would make a raise in their salary. That was enough to get the job done and once everything was back in place I called my mother.

- Hello?

- Good evening mother, I have news to tell you. 

- Is it about Simon or...

- It's about his lover. I didn't say it before but he had the nerve to bring her here, in our house as a maid. And she proved to me how little respect must someone have for her.

- Why? What happened dear?

- She stole my things and had the nerve to wear my clothes and jewelry. 

- What?! What did you do?

- I demanded that she is fired and Simon had no choice but to accept, since the alternative was to call the police. I said and I heard a long "Hmmmm" from my mother, she was already plotting something and it was something really bad.

- Go to his office and tell him to give that brat to me. My maid Erica retired and so I was looking for one. If we keep her here, we can have better control of their meetings and their daily movements. 

- But mother, what if she tries to steal from you. Or do something to you?

- Worry not, my precious child. I can handle her just fine. She will go through hell every day and suffer for challenging you. She said and I felt myself smile wickedly at the thought. Call me evil but I wanted that female to suffer for thinking she could humiliate me.

- Very well, I will try. However you will also need to convince Simon too. I said and she chuckled.

- That wont be a problem, he knows how we treat our servants, he will believe I will treat her the same, since she will be close to me. She said and I laughed. 

- Then let us begin. I'll call you back for the results of our talk, bye. I said and closed the phone, I made my way to Simons office and knocked the door. I heard gasps and realized I was interrupting. God, I nearly puked. 

- Come in. Simon's voice said and I entered. The two of them were horrified to see me. I smiled innocently and looked at my husband.

- Simon, I decided to give that woman a second chance, she will show us if she can improve and change that nasty habbit of hers. I said and he was obviously excited.

- Then we don't have to fire her?

- Let me continue, dear. 

- Okay, please go on Regina.

- My mother called me and told me that her personal maid Erica retired, she asked me if we had a maid aviable to go and replace Erica. I told her about this little lad and she said she will take her in. Probably because she took pity on the girl and wants to save her from the hardships of finding another job.

- But-

- Don't worry Simon, she will be fine as long as she doesn't still anything that belongs to my mother. Besides you've seen how well the servants of my family are treated. We've shown compassion and tolerance in many cases. If you don't believe me, you can ask my mother. Unless you want this girl to stay unemployed and starve to death. I said and he saw no other choice. He looked at the silent woman next to him with concern.

- What do you think?

- I will take the offer. Since lady Regina was kind enough to speak about me to her family....

- Very well then. A car will take you to the Kingstar residence tommorow morning. He said and I smiled.

- Look at the bright side. If she porves to my family her worth she can come back here if she so desires. I said and the two of them looked at me in shock.

- Really? The asked syncronised.

- Be thankfull my mother told me that one mistake shouldn't give a person a bad name. She believes that you had a reason to act like that and she wants to help. I said and the female seemed more relaxed.

- I'll personally thank her once I see her. She replied and with that I came close to Simon and gave him a kiss. He was taken by surprise but I knew how to avoid suspicions.

- I'll see you later. I said and left, aware of the maids glare. I might have agreed to my mother's plan but I still needed to show who was the dominant one between us. 

Nightmare under the moonlightΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα