Start from the beginning

Lisa picked up a ready to eat roasted chicken, a bag of salad, milk, and a couple of chocolate bars. Grandma's gonna love this treat while we play our game. She dropped the items in her cart and strolled to the pharmacy counter. The pharmacist approached. "Hey there, Lisa." He handed her a bag of three medications. "Lisa, I don't know how you do it. Caregiving isn't easy! You're one of this world's good people. Tell your grandma not to forget to take all three medications on time, it's important!"
Lisa nodded. "Thanks, Ted. I'll make sure she stays on schedule."
She exited the store and a man from the Rescue Mission asked, "Ma'am, could you give a little to help the homeless get back on their feet?" Lisa placed a five dollar bill in the donation can. "Thank you, miss. God bless." Lisa smiled and walked to her car. It's not like I'm rich, but somebody probably needs the five bucks more than me.

Lisa checked to her left before exiting the parking lot. She made a right turn and headed home. This chicken smells good! A board game with grandma sounds fun. After a few seconds, the high beams of a fast approaching truck caught her eye in her rear-view mirror. The truck's driver flashed the high beams and blasted the horn in one steady honk for several seconds. His front end followed Lisa's car by three feet.

Lisa's wide eyes checked her rear view mirror. The male driver about thirty years old squinted as he shook his fist. Lisa's heart raced. This guy can't be serious! I'm sorry, mister, but the lane was clear. Your high speed is what caused you to catch up to me so quickly. I made a safe turn, dude! Lisa waived her hand. Sorry if you felt I cut you off. Go around, guy.

The truck continued to tailgate; the high-beams flashed on and off in a steady repetitive pattern. Chills saturated Lisa's body and goosebumps sprouted on her arms. "Why won't this guy leave me alone? He already honked and flashed his high beams at me!" Lisa jammed on the gas pedal. Maybe I can lose him! The truck had no problem catching up to Lisa's sixteen year old small car. She cried.

Lisa reached for her cell phone as it lay on the passenger seat. Her shaky finger pressed 9-1-1. "9-1-1, what are you reporting."
"Please help me! I'm on . . . " Lisa's head snapped back as the pickup truck slammed into her rear end. Her phone flew from her hand to the passenger floorboard. Lisa reached for the phone, but her outstretched fingertips pushed the phone under the passenger seat and out of reach. Her body trembled. "No! No!" She made a sharp right turn onto the canyon road and headed into the Malibu Mountains. God, please let me lose him on the curves. I've got to get grandma's medication to her!

Lisa's tires screeched as she rounded the curves. The truck accelerated and rammed the rear of Lisa's car. The rear bumper of Lisa's car dented, and the right tail-light exploded. "Is he trying to kill me because he feels I cut him off? What kind of person does this?" The truck crashed into Lisa's right rear corner as she rounded a curve. Lisa's car skidded sideways, trampling over bushes on the narrow dirt shoulder. She regained control as she crested the mountain; the Pacific Ocean and the lights of Malibu came into vision. "If I can just make it to Malibu, I'll pull into the Malibu Inn restaurant. There will be people there." The truck driver honked the horn. He motioned with his hand for Lisa to pull over. Tears cascaded down her face. There's no way I'm pulling over and being alone up here with this guy! Her heart pounded, and her stomach knotted. The truck driver grinned as he slammed into the rear of her car while on a curve. Lisa's car slid sideways; blue smoke rose from her tires as she drifted over the cliff.

Dust and rocks flew upward and bushes crushed as Lisa's car rolled over three times on its two- hundred foot tumble over the side. Her car slid upside down; the weight of the car crushed down on the roof like a trash compactor. The passenger door smashed against an oak tree, jolting the car to a stop, and preventing the car from tumbling another two-hundred feet into the creek below. Lisa lay motionless, upside down, behind the steering wheel. Her lifeless arm dangled out of the window; blood dripped off her fingertips.

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