Chapter 9 Part 4

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An hour goes by and he's still watching stuff about sports. "Babe.." "Yeah?" He says looking at me. "I'm gonna go to bed. Don't stay up too late." "Come on. I'll go to bed with you." He says. He picks me up and we go to the bed. I take off my shirt and he just stares at me. "What?" "Nothing...You have an amazing body. That's all." I smile and lay next to him and he pulls me closer to him. He starts kissing my neck..making me giggle. "Okay...stop, before you start something we both can't finish." I say. "At least not right now." He says. "So where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?" He asks. "That was random...but do you mean music wise or personally?" "Umm both I guess." "Well in music, I would love to have a Grammy in 5 years. It's a bit of a reach but that's always been a dream of mine. And personally...hopefully I've met the right person, and potentially settling down with him." "how do you know when you've met the right person?" "I don't know. I guess I've found the right person, when I feel like I can't live without that person. You know, that person is always there for me when I need him. Supports me in everything I do. Someone who makes me laugh. Someone who's honest, and someone that I'm madly in love with." "I feel the exact same way. That's all I ever want in a girl. Do you think you've found that right person?" He asks with a smile. "...I don't know. It's too soon to tell. But I can say that he's on the right track..what about you? Do you think you've found Mrs. Right?" "Lets just put it this way, my search may just be coming to an end. Who knows." I smile and we lay there and kiss. "Get some sleep." He says. "You too." "Goodnight." "Night." We fall asleep and we're woken up by a knock at the door. It's Maddie to tell us that breakfast is ready. I wake colin and we brush our teeth and stuff, and get dressed then head next door. We go to the kitchen I make a plate for me and Colin and we sit down and eat. There's a knock at the door. My dad gets it and in walks Wilmer...

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