Sexualities !

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AHHHH Okay so today i wanted to post some gay stuff here because I can't stop thinking about how Gay I am or my friends are. soooooo LEETTTSSS GET IT

Sexualities I Know

Homosexual - Attraction to the Same Gender {YEP , THAT'S ME}

Polysexual - Attraction to many genders , but not all

Heterosexual - Attraction to a Different Gender {Basically straight}

Ally - A Supporter of LGBTQ+ But is not identified or is a LGBTQ+

Gay - Men attracted to other Men

Lesbian - Woman attracted to other Woman

Bisexual - Attracted to both Men and Women , it DOESN'T HAVE to be equal , it can be different ! You could like Men more then Women , or Women more then Men

Pansexual - Attracted to ALL Genders , or Not concerning Gender when attracted to someone

Monosexual - Attracted to only One Gender

Allosexual - When you are Not Asexual

Androsexual - Attracted to Masculine gender presentation

Gynosexual - Attracted to Feminine gender presentation

Questioning - People who question their Sexuality/Gender

Asexual - Not Experiencing Any sexual feelings towards Someone

Demisexual - Attracted only when making a strong or romantic bond first

Grey Asexual - When you only experience attraction rarely

Cishet - Someone who is both cisgendered and heterosexual.

Queer -  For anybody in the LGBTQ+ community or People who do not identify as hetersexual or heteromantic

Transgender - When you are identified as the Different gender then you were assigned to at Birth

Transexual - When you have had surgery or GRS to change your Sexual organ you were born with to the different gender

Agender - Not Identified as Any gender

Non-Binary - A Term for people who fall somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum or are neither Female or Male

Genderfluid - Moving between Genders

Bigender - Identified as two genders

Intersex- A difference in sex that is when people are born with genitals or gonads that don't match up exactly with male or female.  

Butch - Is actually a term used for someone who is more Masculine then Feminine , which is often used for Woman or Lesbians

That's all the Sexualities I know , sorry if i didn't get yours

But please ! Comment if you are one of these Sexualities ! I would love to get to know more LGBTQ+ People in This Community ! 

If you are also one of these

- Tomboy

- Sassy but is Not Actually Gay

- Others

Please ! Feel free to Chat with me and comment as well ! The more the merrier !


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