Getting Out

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Hey guys sorry it took so long, but here it is enjoy!

"Erica who?" Cyn inquired she had never heard of this bitch before today, she didn't know her from nowhere so why the fuck was she looking for her? Mary sighs, "damn ma, you need to get your head out the fucking books and get out there, How the fuck your ass live New York and ain't never hear the name Erica Mena?" Cyn rolls her eyes, "You gon' run your mouth some more or are you gonna tell me who the fuck she is?" Mary chuckles, "she's a fucking nightmare that's what she is, been running the New York game for a few years. Got a quick trigger finger and a reckless mouth,everyone knows not to fuck with her. So what did you do?" Cyn side eyes Mary, "bitch yo ass know damn well I'm not with that shit." Mary throws her hands up in surrender, she knows it's a touchy subject for the latina."Okay, but be careful yeah?" Cyn nods as she notices the concern on Marys face, "I always am." Mary nods and sends her one last meaningful look before going back to work. Cyn watched her go. She didn't want Mary to be worried she was a grown woman she knew what she was doing. But drugs? Cyn thought to herself, she wasn't caught up in that bullshit. Hadn't been for a long time. She had bigger plans, plans that couldn't possibly end up with her in prison.

Whatever this Erica wanted Cyn knew for a fact she'd have to decline because if what Mary said was true then that meant niggas was out for the bitches head. She wouldn't be caught up in it.

An hour went by and the anticipation was eating at Cyn and fucking with her money. Already she had screwed three simple orders and spilled two drinks. Mary noticing her friends obvious distress came to her rescue, "Cyn, baby take a break, I got this." Cyn nodded gratefully, "thanks." The latina said before quickly making her way towards the restroom.

'Don't let this get to you' she said to herself as she stared at her reflection through the mirror. Cyn glanced at her phone and let out a deep sigh. It was almost time. Fifteen minutes left. 'pull your fucking self together' she just wanted to get this over with. It was fucking her up. She needed this job, atleast until her shit got in order and she could leave, have a normal life. Maybe get married and have kids. Cyn sighs 'fuck' she thinks, 'Only just met this woman and already she got me thinking my whole shit through.' Reaching into her apron pocket she pulls out a packet of cigars. She didn't normally smoke, it wasn't a pretty habit to have. But at times like this when her nerveas were all over the place she couldn't help herself. When she finished she swiped at the air to clear the smoke, if her boss found out she smoked inside she'd be in deep shit. She then quickly glanced at her phone to see that her shift was over. Exiting the restroom cyn went to the employee locker room to get her purse and clock out. It was time.

The only source of light in the alley came from the streetlights, everything else were just shadows. Cyn could make out crate scattered around but not much else. Because her eyes weren't much help her other senses heightened. It reeked of urine and liquor. The only sounds she could make out were from traffic and the occasional siren. Against her better judgment the woman steps further into the alley.

"Cynthia Santana." Cyn jumps at the silky smooth voice, "but you go by Cyn, born October 12, 1992 to josanelli Santana and Caesar Garcia in the Dominican. When you were five, your dad took you from your mom and brought you here to New York. He taught you everything there is to know about the drug world. At fifteen your dad was caught and charged with processing and selling illegal narcorics." Cyn turns to face the voice as Erica steps out of the shadows. "You got sent back to your mom but things were bad, she was sick. So you threw yourself into education, and when you turned eighteen you came back got a job applied for college. Just to help your mom, and now here you are." Cyn made not of the crowbar by the dumpster beside her just in case. Erica notices her gaze flicker and chuckles. "Aw mami, I thought we were getting along." Her smile disappears and the evil glint from earlier returns Erica snaps and the guys in suits surround them. If Cyn didn't know any better she'd say it was something out of a fucking movie, "okay so you know everything about me, what do you want?" Erica smirks and in the dim light it's frightening. "I think we could make a lot of money together. So I want your help in building my empire." Cyn notices the dreamy look in her eyes while she speaks as if she's imagining it right then and there, "with your info of the game in less than a year I won't only be big in this city but all over the world." Cyn shakes her head, "Hell no, I'm in school I'm done with that I can't." Erica shrugs and holds out her hand one of the suits hands her a Manila envelope which she holds out to Cyn. "Your moms sick like I said, you say yes I'll pay for her treatment, you say no I'll pull the plug and make you watch her die." A sob escapes Cyn's mouth, she feels sick to her stomach. She grabs the envelope. Inside are photos of her mother lying sick in a makeshift bed. "you crazy bitch, you're fucking sick." Erica shrugs nonchalantly, "so what's it gonna be... Yes or no." Cyn runs her fingers through her hair in exasperation, "I don't have a fucking choice." Erica smiles triumphantly, "perfect, it was nice meeting you Cynthia, I'll be in touch." She begins to walk away with the suits following, but stops and turns. " You can keep the photos... You know as a reminder." With one final wink she turns and leaves leaving Cyn alone. Once she's sue they're gone is when she allows herself to break down. It wasn't supposes to be like this. She was supposed to get out.

Until The EndМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя