The Rest

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He looked down at you, remembering now that you really weren't equipped to be walking through a desolate canyon. You had on wet underwear, his coat and your sunglasses. "Ah, you won't be walking. I wonder how strong I am without my nen..." Chrollo crouched down and held his hands behind him. "Get on."

"N-no, I can walk!" You took a step backwards, blushing.

"You can, perhaps, but you won't. I will carry you." He wiggled his fingers. "Come on now, I look silly."

This made you laugh and decide that he really wasn't going to move without you getting on him. So as you climbed on top of him, you wrapped your arms and legs around his torso. "See? Your feet were already in pain." He held your foot and looked at it. "No good. Once you get hurt, you won't be able to keep going."

Suddenly, he jumped up and down a few times and then began walking. "Woah! What was that for?!" You asked, straightening your sunglasses.

"Just making sure I was strong enough to carry you for a while."

"Have you seen your body?" He looked down, remembering that he had a shirt on under his jacket. "You're literally the most fit a person could be."

"All the better to fuck you with, Hana, darling." He laughed at you, purposefully misquoting a story from one of the old books he liked to read. He supposed once he got to his destination, he could spend his free time reading over and legally acquiring more books.

After chuckling, you rested your head on Chrollo's shoulder and promptly fell asleep to the bumpy rhythm.

You weren't sure how long you were asleep, but it was long enough to have caused the night to turn into day and for the day to begin it's end. As you began to shift just slightly, Chrollo laid his head against you.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Hana. You're so heavy I think I could die. I might be fit, but without nen, even I have limits." You felt his arms quaking and his breath becoming labored.

"You could've stopped at any point! Here! Let's stop here." You pointed to a tiny cave, prompting Chrollo to drop you onto the ground. "Ouch! What happened to not wanting me to get hurt?"

"So... Tired... Need... Sleep..." He groaned as he bemoaned his mortal body. Just about as soon as he got inside, he collapsed to the ground.

"You pushed yourself so hard, Chrollo. We're not really in a rush, are we?" You sat beside him, pulling his head into your lap.

"Not particularly, but once you were asleep I didn't want to wake you up." His eyes closed as his hands rubbed your thighs.

"Why was that? Just being sweet?" You asked as you began to finger-comb the gel out of his hair.

"No. It was the only way I could carry you and not get sick in your nen puddle. In fact, after my nap, I'm tempted to knock you out just so I can finish this..." His voice droned off as sleep began to overtake him.

"You know, all this and I don't even know what nen you did have."

"...Not... important..." And with that, the real harbinger of death fell asleep on your lap.

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