Ch 7: The Interview

Start from the beginning

Codsworth made quick work of the Raiders' attack dog, but he was taking some damage from the other two below. I started shooting with my pistol and caught one in the leg. While he was down, Codsworth took his saw to his throat.

"Having fun yet?" he jeered again, rushing after the last Raider left standing.

The Raider started to run, but Codsworth mowed him down.

Once we were alone again, we continued across the bridge and made it to the other side of the river, entering the city of Lexington. Distant gunshots echoed through the quiet, eerie ruins of the city. Eventually, we came across signs that read "traders welcome ahead" and "Diamond City this way," with arrows pointing to the right. We followed the signs until we reached the old baseball stadium.

By this time, the gunshots weren't so distant now. Up ahead, to the right of the stadium, was what looked like three armed umpires fighting big, green, monstrous men.

"We should help them, Mum!"

One of the umpires fell to his knees, bleeding out on the asphalt. The big, green men were shooting from the second floor of a crumbling building and had the advantage.

I unholstered my pistol and fired a few shots at the brutes, forcing my hands to stay steady as I aimed. Whatever these things were, they looked terrifying.

After the umpires and I finished off the green monstrosities, one of them patted my shoulder. "Good of you to help out. Not afraid of Super Mutants, huh?"

"Super Mutants? That's what those were?"

"Yeah. Big, dumb, ugly, and hates anything that moves. Even each other."

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"I work under the mayor as a city guard for Diamond City. This here's my armor." He patted his chest, then winced. "One of those damn 'muties got me. I'll have to see the doc soon. Still, I'm one of the lucky ones. Lost a few good guys today."

"Are those Super Mutants around here often?"

"Hell yeah. The whole city ruins are full of 'em. That's why Diamond City's walls are such a blessing. Everything outside the Wall aint' safe. That's just how it is."

I glanced back at the big, green walls surrounding the stadium. There's a city in there?

"Anyway, if you're lookin' to rest up, head into the city. There's an inn, a bar, anything you can think of. You're lookin' pretty rough yourself."

I was slightly offended at his take on my appearance, but I could imagine how dirty I was. "Thanks for the info."

"Tally-ho, Mum> We need to get you fixed up." Codsworth was already ahead of me.

When we reached the entrance, though, someone else was already fighting to get into the city. It didn't look like it was going to be an easy walk-in.

She had short black hair, wore a press cap and a red coat, and was flushed with anger.

"What do you mean you can't open the gate?" she seethed. "Stop playing around, Danny! I'm standing out in the open here for crying out loud!"

A young man's voice came through the intercom to the left of the large metal gate. "I got orders not to let you in, Ms. Piper. I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job."

"Ooh, 'just doing your job?' Protecting Diamond City means keeping me out, is that it? Oh, look, it's the scary reporter! Boo!"

"I'm sorry, but Mayor McDonough's really steamed, Piper. Sayin' that article you wrote was all lies. The whole city's in a tizzy."

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