Something stopped me from going down there. I peeked down to see the floor covered in pressure plates. That's quite a trap.....

Suddenly, i heard the sound of a torch falling from a wall. I looked up at Marley, then at the fallen torch. He was nowhere near it.

Another torch fell. Then another. Another fell. I gaped in horror.

"Run. Out," Marley managed to squeal.

We sprinted out of the gate as torches were deleted faster and faster and faster. We got out once the last torch was broken.

He began running off into a forest up north, while i stopped to catch my breath.

The pyramid was empty. dark. Was that some sort of trap?

I chased after Marley.

"Wait, why are you being such a scaredy cat!? Get back here!" I screamed at him, while tripping over a rock and saving my fall over and over again.

He stopped and fell against a tree once we were in the Taiga.

His eyes were red and teary. His complexion was pale, and he looked up at me depressed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you getting so worked up lately?!" I was screaming at him now, but i felt like every uncontrollable word that fell off my tongue left a hole in his heart.

I tried to think about what's going on. I sat next to him and layed a hand on his shoulder.

"Marley, i'm sorry. Please explain to me what's going on...?"

His palm rested on his forehead, and his hair drooped across his face.

"We are playerless characters, Sara. Do you get it now?"

Playerless characters. That's right.

You see, Marley and I are bugs from the game. We live and breathe in this game. We don't have humans on the outside world controlling us. We live here, switching from world to world. Wake up. Survive. Explore. Defeat the Ender Dragon. Then, spawn in a completely new world.

We've never died.

If we died, we would never come back.

If you haven't gotten the point yet, we've never experienced death in minecraft. We're pros at this game. We've been to many worlds, and defeated the game. We were born knowing how to survive, but we have never experienced something we didn't know about.

Meaning if we don't know about it, something is horribly wrong.

"I get it, this is scary. But it may just be an update. It'll process soon."

He rolled his eyes and stood up.

We continued walking through this huge mega taiga.

The sun was going down... but we ignored it and kept walking. Marley nudged my arm, and pointed in the direction of rising smoke in the air.

A fire.

I shrugged and said, "Probably a lava pool, but lets go check it out."

As we got closer, we could see a triangular structure of wool and a small campfire. Who did this?

Marley and I exchanged glances, thinking the same thing.

I walked over to it, with my sword behind my back.

"Hello," A small squeaky voice spoke behind me.

Rana. The lost mob.

I gasped.

"R-Rana? Aren't you supposed to be out of minecraft? Like, a long time ago?" I spoke. Marley rushed over and looked at Rana the same way.

"Well, im the last left. Beast boy was the last to die off... i've lived alone for a long time on this seed... you're the first to find me," She smiled happily. "Please, make yourself at home. Stay here as long as you'd like."

We all sat down next to the warm fire and placed our things in her spare chest.

We talked a while about the update she was last seen in. It's been years at least, and she had quite the stories about how she took all of the new updates.

It was pitch dark out now, and the hostiles came nowhere near us.

"Ever hear of Herobrine?" Rana spoke softly.

I looked at her confused.

"Well, how can i begin. They call him the 'Demon of Minecraft'. His generic code got all scrambled up, and somehow produced this never-ending hostile glitch."

Marley smirked. "Nice ghost story, Rana."

She shook her little head. "No, Marley. He's real." She smiled afterward, which creeped us both out.

"Stop fooling around," I laughed, but still a little worried.

"Like i said, he's not actually a demon. Now continuing with my story.... He's like an Enderman. He teleports. Like a creeper, he spies on you. Like a Player, dressed in steve skin. Like a monster, he will kill you." She whispered giddy-like.

"Why are you whispering?" Marley asks.

"What if he's listening right now? He could be on one of the trees for all we know," She squealed, looking up.

We followed her gaze.

The moon shone dimly, and the fog covered the tops of the large Taiga trees. Imagining another player standing up on one of the trees looking down at us made my spine shivver.

"We play together all the time. Wanna see?" Rana smiled wide.

We both had no response.

So she hopped up on her tiny legs and walked over to the side of the fire.

She placed down 2 blocks of white wool, 1 space apart. We stared at her oddly.

"What are you doing?" Marley laughed.

She looked at him and winked.

Her head tilted upward, staring at the moon in silence. Her arms spread apart, and a booming sound came from afar. It sounded like an explosion of TNT, but it actually wasn't.

Rana continued staring at the midnight sky with extended arms, until my ear drums were blown out by a crash of lighting in front of us.

2 trails on lightning striked both peices of wool, and immidiately set them alight. A sign appared in the middle of the wool blocks clearly labled, "Only God can save you now."

Suddenly, all motion stopped, but the fires continued burning. Rana was still staring blankly at the mood, but her arms flopped to the side.

I looked at Marley. He was holding his heart breathing fast. He looked at me, completely freaked out.

"What the hell just happened?!" He said.

"Rana. What the-"

She turned around slowly.

My heart began to sizzle at the sight.

The smile planted on her face remained, but the shadow casted off the burning wool emit her empty glowing white eyes.

Just like the wool she placed.

I screamed.

Marley grabbed my hand, and we ran and ran the opposite way. I was being dragged by him, who was sprinting faster than he ever has.

I managed to look back to see Rana crawling into the tent, and shutting the wooden door behind her.

Until, the last i could see was the twisted world surrounding me and sudden pain against my head.

All i saw was black.

-The Demon of Minecraft-Where stories live. Discover now