"Don't look at me! I didn't start it!" I held back the idea of running after them and asking him what the hell his problem was.

"Not what I meant, dumbass." Jake growled back, "I mean you fought back hard against Bentley! The dude holds some wicked grudges. Are you insane?"

Jake was right that he holds grudges against anyone in his way. That's why no one is in his way. The thing about Bentley is that he always got revenge. But what choice did I have? I can't just sit there and let him smash my face in.

"What do you expect me to do!? Let him try to kill me!?" I huffed.

Jake shook his head, "No, I expected you to move your ass out of the way!"

To me this argument seemed a little dumb but whatever. I mean there wasn't much I could do. When someone comes at me, my first thought is holy shit and second, fight back. It's not Bentley came and talked to me beforehand, there was no way of deescalating the situation. It was too late for that.

"Just shut up!" Mason yelled over us. "Why did Bentley attack you?" Finally a good question.

I thought for a moment, "Bentley and Phoenix are friends. He must've overheard our conversation." Guilt settled in my stomach. I was a little harsh...but it was with good reason. I just wanted them to fuck off.

God I hope he doesn't tell Nix all the shit I said, I'm an asshole but not to someone I don't know at all. I've never spoken to Nix in my life let alone enough to insult her. Wait- did I just give Phoenix a nickname? What the fuck?

I shook my head to remove the weird thoughts.

It felt like everyone in the room wasn't even there. I had almost forgotten their existence completely but some kid in a Skillet T-Shirt came flying into the room looking scared and pissed.

"What the hell?!" He screamed.

I just stared blankly before looking at the guys, "I think that's our queue to leave." I turned back to the kid, "Thanks for the party, man. It was great." I said sarcastically before stepping around him and heading for the same door Bentley dragged Nix out of.


Nix's P.O.V.

Not a word was spoken between Bentley and I after all of that. He just started to walk towards his car. His expressions showed a whirlwind of emotions.

I would have to apologize to Emily for not riding home with her later but I'm sure she'll understand considering the circumstances.

I followed behind Bentley by a few paces. He got into the car, motioning for me to get into the passenger seat.

The ride felt like only mere seconds.

When he pulled up to the curb by my Aunt Clare's house, I stepped out and turned to say something, but he hit the gas so hard the door slammed shut and then he was gone. I was left alone on the curb without a solid explanation or anything that went on tonight.

I sighed and turned to head for the door to the house.

Now I'm sitting on the edge of my bed in my dark gray room looking at the wall. The only thoughts in my head were, 'what will the school think', 'is Luca ok', 'am I ok', 'is Bentley ok', and 'well that escalated quickly'.

I know what your thinking. You think this entire situation is highly exagerated. Well it kinda is. Bentley has NEVER been defeated. Never knocked down. He fights in tournaments all the time. And he was thrown down by a girl... I get how cliche that is. But he was the one who taught me to fight. I know all of his moves and I know how to use them against him. Plus, his brother taught me his own tricks so I had some stuff up my sleeve that Bentley wasn't exactly aware of. So simply knocking him off his feet wasn't the greatest challenge in the world for me.

I hear noise from the hallway.

Is Clare home tonight?

That'd be weird. She's rarely home at night. I leave my room and head for the kitchen where I assume she'd be if she was home.

Before I even make it all the way into the kitchen, she speaks, "Where were you?"

"Nowhere." I'm fucked.

"The truth, Phoenix. I want the truth. I deserve the truth." She doesn't look happy. Disappointment is written all over her face.

"I'm serious." I shrugged. "Just out." Like that's not suspicious, wow...

"I was at work when I received a call to the hospital from a very panicked teenage girl about a fight at a party. She said she wasn't sure what to do about the situation. I was intently listening, ready to help. But then she named Bentley as being involved. When I asked her to relay the situation, she said him and another boy were in a fight after drinking and a light brown haired girl broke up the fight. She told me about the shattered glass, all the alcohol, the fight, the blood. Would you like to change your answer to my question?" Shit.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed, "Emily just wanted to have fun and I went with. I didn't-"

She cut me off, "Get out."

I stopped in my tracks, "What?" My voice was small.

"I know you heard me. Get out. Now. I don't want to see your face in this house again. Take your car and get out." She tossed me keys toward me.

I caught them and just stared at her, "Aunt C-"

"Out!" She shouted. She'd been so close to kicking me out before but I didn't think she'd truly do it.

I'd always thought about what I'd do if it came to this, but now that it's happening, I feel lost.

"Please, I'm so s-"

"Stop it!" She was fuming now but I could see tears hiding in her eyes, "Stop it, Phoenix. I've taken care of you for so long. I've done my best to help you. After your parents died, I took you in. I can barely sustain myself, let alone you. But I did it because I love you and I want the best for you. You haven't been the greatest kid in the world, constantly getting into trouble, drinking all the time, vandalizing, and much more. But this, this is too far. I told you that one more screw up and you'd be out. You said okay.

This is as disrespectful as it gets.

Don't come back into the house again. Don't contact me. I'm done putting up with the lies and the ridiculous behavior. I just can't take it anymore, Phoenix. It's too much for me." She finishes her rant.

"Okay." It's all I can bring myself to say.

She followed me into the living room and I took one more glance at her before I left. Her face was stricken with grief but there was no sign of regret. Why would there be? She was only getting rid of a burden.

"Can I at least go get my things?" I ask sheepishly.

"No," I expected that, "I just want you out. Now. Just go. If you can't respect me and my wishes, you don't deserve the things I've gotten for you."

I clutched my necklace, thanking god I didn't leave it in my- well, the room. It had been given to me by someone very special. I never wanted to loose it.

"Okay, I'm so sorry," and with that, I left without a clue where to go.

I couldn't go to Bentley, not in the condition he's in. I could just sleep in my car in a Walmart parking lot. That's legal, right?

My phone rang right then. I pulled it from the pocket of my dress and answered it, "Hello?"

I'm greeting by Emily's voice, "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at home." I breathe a sigh of relief, "Can I stay with you?"

"Why?" She asks slowly.

"Just say yes and I'll explain when I'm there." I respond.


So that's where I went.

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