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Maybe I was kidding my self. Dodging and running and hiding were beyond me. There were men with gas mask on and they kept throwing gas down. I had ripped my shirt falling down the stairs. "5 girls left" you hear through the house. I mentally curse my self, I should've stayed hiden. I see 6 men coming my way I turn and run into a room. More like a apartment, it smelt so good "who's room is this" I turned hearing Alessandro voice "Mine" I look at him only wearing a towel, as he walked towards me. Sticking my tounge out and licking my lips. "You won rosemary" he grabbed my hand. "Katherine the name is Kath-" he stops walking and turning towards me. "No" metally laugh at myself. "You may call me katherine" I said looking in his eyes. "How do you do that" he says looking in my eyes. "How do I do what exactly" his body now pressed against mine. I wish I could back up but I just can't move. He grab my face and kiss me. Feeling like my life was being sucked away. I wanted more of him. Grabbing his head and pulling him closer, as he stuck his tounge in my mouth, his fingers holding my waist for dear life. We ended up falling on the bed, and he was grinding himself against me. He was so hard and I loved it. He grabbed my legs pulling it over his shoulder. Just this much friction is gonna give me a orgasm. He pulled his lips away and looked in my eyes. He pulled off of me so fast, it's like he was burned. He looked at me his eyes black, breathing hard. His chest rising and falling. I forgotten he's only in a towel. The towel drops and I just stare at what good sculpted him self. Biting my lip I look into his eyes his eyes drawing holes in my skin... I feel like I'm on fire. "Get out" he says his voice deep and demanding. To bad I just can't seem to move. "GET OUT!" He roars. Still not being able to move why can't I move. "You'll see" a voice in my head says. I nearly pass out from the crazy. He moves toward me and grabs my arm. He just looks at me while I look at him. He can't move. "Kiss him" the voice says. "No" but then the voice says "fine I will" and we kiss him. Light flashes in my head as memories come flashing back. "Your different because your powerful" I see my mom her brown hair flowing down her back. "Powerful can scare the weak" she said moving water with her hands. "But you are more powerful than anything with your scream" she looks at me in my eyes. "Your rage, is what scares me the most" she says putting water on a open womb.  It starts to heal. "I love you" she says while tears come out her eyes. Smiling at me. "Remember, what you have forgotten, remember who you are, remember what they took from us" she starts to fade away. And the light is gone. I open my eyes and Alessandro is sitting on the bed. "Your her" I look at his and blink still processing. I pick up my hands. I see water running threw my cut and healing it. "What am I"

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