Entering this world

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Breath fills my lungs as i opened my eyes. A sun filled sky shines above my head.A blocky world lay before me, filled with trees, grass and animals from cows to chickens. "Wow, what a beautiful world", I said as I took in the  world around me. I noticed a chest sitting near to me surrounded by torches. I stood up and opened it. Filled with a lot of blocky sticks, wood in the shape of blocks and a book. I opened the book and the opening pages said "welcome to the world of minecraft! You must be confused aren't you? Well i'll start you of with the basics. You can break objects around you with you're blocky fists (I know, amazing right?)and the items in this chest can get you started." It carried on explaining how to make a crafting table a etc. The chapter explaining the monsters really sent shivers down my spine.  Don't stay out to long after the sun goes down because terrible things appear in the dark. Monsters like zombies and skeletons. It proceded to show me pictures of the two mobs and a picture of a strange green creature on four legs. It was a freak of nature....

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