The Legend of Amanda Robins Review

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(A review I wrote of my own book in the School Magazine 2014)

When I was around seven, I created my own fantasy. I created my escape from reality. I created Amanda Robins. As I grew up, Amanda grew up with me.

At first, I saw myself in Amanda. However when she grew, she became a person to me not just any character. Amanda is my life's work. She's a one of a kind. And I'm so proud of her.

The Legend of Amanda Robins is about Amanda and her life. She was the Queen of Magic State long ago when she was a vampire and showed her power as Queen when the First Magical War struck and Magic State was in ruins. She had to make a hard decision to send all the magical creatures of Magic State to live with humans in the human world. Amanda's life takes many twists and turns and ups and downs. Everything is always unexpected when Amanda's around.

Why did I call Amanda a legend? Well, it's because nowadays people don't believe in such stories. So I'm here to show you how real she is, the sacrifices and heroic deeds. It's your decision to believe or not.

The Legend of Amanda Robins by Corrine Annette Zahra (FARAXA Books 2014)Where stories live. Discover now