Chapter 1

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 I awoke in a terrible fright; the dream had come again, though this time more vivid and visual than ever. It started a long time ago, plunging and filling my mind, be I awake or asleep.

As I got out of my bed, the sunlight streamed into the room, through huge, translucent windows, I was sure I even heard birdsong. Even now, so long afterwards, I believe I did, though I did live on a world where birds hadn’t been heard, let alone seen in over 1000 years. There was still a debate over what birds looked and sounded like.

I got out of my bed, and slowly walked to the sink in my room. As I cleaned my face, and dried my sweat drenched hair I wondered what those words meant, but to no avail. In my homeland belief in the supernatural, visions, premonitions were looked upon with disbelief, those who actually believed were nearly always thought of as strange or insane or mad.

I washed my face again and examined myself in the mirror. I had long, black hair and dark brown eyes. These I guessed were from my mother, who although I never met, I had seen many images of, mainly in these accused dreams.

I was of average height and slightly thin, and just like my farther, weaker than average. I had never met him, for along with my mother. I never knew what happened to them, but I always wondered. Everyone including my relatives claim that they had a car accident, but I do not think that they did.

I supposed that I will never know. My most surprising feature was my pale, snowy skin. No one I knew, not even Layton, who had lighter skin than most, was this light. In fact I had been told on many occasions that I was not normal, for no human had skin like ice.

Because I was weak, I was not able to join many of the orders I was expected to, such as the boxers, the builders, not even the runners. I thought all hope was lost until I met Layton. He quickly seen my intelligence, and sensed that I had potential, and invited me to join the Order of Knowledge, the greatest of all the orders. Since then we had become close friends.

Looking in the mirror, I saw myself, and, for a second I thought I saw someone, clad in black robes, wearing a black metal helmet, with a screaming visage. Even though I couldn't see any eyes, I could have sworn that it was looked at me, my head began to throb, and then as quickly as it began, it ended. The strange vision disappeared.

 I suddenly remembered something that made me forget about the vision. I was needed at the temple. I quickly got changed into my snow white robes and began my journey to the temple.

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