No Choice is Still A Choice

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So this was the first story that I took time to research I'm really happy with how I turned out. I first go interested with this couple on Love & Hip Hop Season 4. I thought it was interesting how everyone was so quick to deny the legitimacy of their relationship so.... Enjoy and please comment I want to know what you guys think!!

Everyone knew the name Erica Mena, the reason being she was one of the most notorious female kingpins in New York. And if she was looking for you, you didn't have much longer to live. She rarely frequented any local nightclubs, which is why everyone watched with rapt attention as the 5'7 Latina stepped in, dressed simply in a white laced crop top, tan skinny's, and studded heels. Her hair in tight curls. a devilish smirk graced her lips, she knew she had everyone's attention and that's how she wanted it, how things should be. The crowd parted like the red sea as she stepped through, headed straight for the bar not sparing any of the patrons a single glance.

Cynthia Santana or Cyn as she preferred to be called, a 21 year old psychology major stood behind the bar sensually moving her hips as she poured drinks. 5 nights a week from 8:00 p.m.-4:00 a.m. When the club closed. It wasn't what she wanted to be doing, not that she particularly hated it, she just knew that she could be doing better. Which is why for 3 years she had been attending classes a SUNY studying psychology. when all was said and done she wanted to be a social worker so she could help other women, anything was better than bartending for the rest of her life.

Cyn was so invested in her thoughts she hadn't noticed the not so hushed whispers, or the incredibly attractive woman that was leaning on the bar staring dead at her. Mary one of her co-workers and closest friends behind the bar with her nudged roughly. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked irritably as the contents in the glass she had been holding spilled some. Mary nodded towards the woman who watched with a devilish smirk gracing her lips. "Can I help you?" Cyn asked completely oblivious as to who this woman was, "We can help each other, meet me in the alley behind this place when your shift ends, at four right?" Cyn's eyebrows scrunch together as she eyes Erica, " you must be fucking crazy if you think I'm gonna meet up with you in a dark alley." a few people close enough to hear gasp. the same thoughts going through their head 'Did this chic have a death wish?' Both Erica and Cyn look around to see that all eyes were on them. Erica turns back to Cyn an evil glint in her eye. She moves her finger in a 'come here' motion against her better judgment Cyn leans forward, Erica's mouth only an inch from her ear, "you'll come on your own or one of my men." She motions to the four buff guys in suits standing guard behind her, "can drag you out by your hair." Cyn steps back and glares angrily at her, Erica just smiles. " I'll see you then." she says before standing up and walking away. Hesitantly the noise picks back up again, the encounter that took place second before seemingly forgotten.

Cyn stood rooted to the spot shocked, "Who was that?" Cyn turns to Mary confusion written all over her face. "That was Erica Mena."

Until The EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang