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I look up into the bright blue sky and breathe in the fresh crisp cold morning air and let out a big sigh watching how my hot breath swirls and mixes into the freezing morning sky. I tug on my scarf that was slightly scratching and chocking my neck and fix my my gloves that were a little loose.

Today I feel as if something new is going to happen, something exciting. I smile and make my way to school to meet with my best friend in our usual hang out spot before class. I walk up the large stair case and enter the court yard filled with loud and lively students each one different from the other. Then a certain blonde boy catches my eye. Usually I would fawn over him or get nervous, almost so nervous that I would stumble upon my own feet my heart would feel like it would burst but ever since that day my heart feels as if its confused.

I stare at him and expect my hear to go thumping and the whole world to collapse but now it feels melancholy and it sits still.

"Mari" I hear someone yell dragging out the 'i'. I turn to see my best friend running towards me with her long and curly golden brown hair that looks as smooth as butter.

"Giiiiiirl, you have to see this! I found this picture online that someone took and o-m-g it's so adorable, you have to see" Alya exclaims then shoves a phone into my face.

It's a picture of me as ladybug and chat noir holding hands although its looks so fake it's painful to me. I have six fingers in the photo, six!

I turn my head sideways to look at Alya "Alya, hate to tell you but thats definitely photoshopped" I chuckled.

 She puts her phone back into her pocket "I know, I know but girl they look like such a great couple wouldn't you think, I mean if they don't have feelings for each other then I respect that and I won't force it but you have to admit dude, they're perfect together" Alya says obviously in love with the idea of me and chat being together. Hah like that'll ever happen, I mean Chats nice and all but I don't want to love him or more like I really can't considering I don't really know the real him and we can't be together due to our secret identities and I can't deal with that kind of relationship. It would be too heartbreaking to deal with.

"Helloooooo, girl don't space out on me" Alya says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yep, Yep, totally still here" I said snapping back into reality.

"Annnnyways, what do you think about Ladynoir? Don't you ship them" Alya asks.

"Not really, I see them more as partners and friends rather than lovers, I like their relationship just the way it is" I smiled.

"Really? I think they're absolutely adorable together" I hear a familiar voice talk behind my back.

I jump behind me and meet with the same bright blue eyes I've always stared into for year that always managed to make my heart skip a beat but now, I feel nothing. 

"Well I guess it would make sense for everyone to ship them together, I mean, two super heroes boy and girl working together and they're both very attractive, it wouldn't make sense if people didn't see them as lovers but I always saw them as just really close and trusting friends plus I always thought lady bug liked someone else" I said rambling on and saying whatever pops into my brain.

"Wait? Lady Bug likes someone else??" Adrien says with surprise in his voice.

"I'm pretty sure but I'm not telling who" I say teasing Alya and Adrien.

 The bell for class rings and the students start flocking up the stairs into their classrooms. Alya and Nino head upstairs together leaving me with Adrien. I walk closely behind the blonde haired boy until my phone slips out of my back pocket.

I turn around to pick it up when I realized someone has already done it for me.

" I believe this is yours, Mamamarinette" I look up to meet up with a pair of blue eyes and a hand holding my phone. The boy chuckles and smirks at me.

"Lu-Luka! What are you doing here? Why are you here? I mean it's not a bad thing, in fact, it's definitely the opposite of a bad thing, its a really good thing! I think its super cool to see you again and, and I'm rambling again and distracting you" I sigh.

"I'm sorry" I give him an apologetic smile while taking my phone.

"No need to say sorry, I think your rambling is cute and so are you" He chuckles.

"Anyways do you know where Miss Bustier classroom is?" He smiles looking around the school.

"Oh, are you visiting your sister?" I ask curiously.

"No, actually, I've enrolled into the school" he smiles while scratching the back of his head.

"Anyways since we're in the same class lets head to the classroom together" He says flashing a smile at me. My heart feels strange, it feels as if I was looking at Adrien. My chest tightens and the thumping of my heart suddenly gets louder, my cheeks feel as if they're on fire and I could barely move. Why am I acting like this? Why do I feel so different? Is it possible to fall out of love? Impossible! I have only and will only be in love with Adrien! I have to calm down and clear my mind. I take in a large breath and breath out before joining Luka and the rest of the students.

"Soooo Miss Bustiers classroom is right here, I'm sure you'll fit right in, everyone in the class is really nice" 

"Well, except for Chloe" I mumble but enough for Luka to hear.

"Hmmm, Is Chloe someone who troubles you a lot?" He asks with concern.

"Yeaaaaah, we're not really on friendly terms, I would try to stay away if I were you" I whisper to Luka.

"Thanks for the advice" He chuckles.

I leave Luka to talk to Miss Bustier and make my way to my assigned seat next to Alya and right in front of Adrien. I take my seat  with Alya who is editing her ladyblog on her phone before class officially starts.

"Oh Marinette, after school today do you wanna head to this new cafe opening a few blocks away? I heard they're selling limited ladybug and chat noir shaped cookies for their grand opening and they look soooo cute" Alya exclaims.

"Oh yeah sure, but I have to go to the library real quick before we go, I have to borrow a book for a project of mine" I say.

"Do you mind If I join you girls" I turn around and see Luka next to my desk and he puts his hand on our desk.

"Oh, N-Not at all" I stutter. Shit, the feelings are coming back.

"Oh cool and by the way, Is this seat taken" He says as he pulls out the chair of the desk behind me and sits down before I can even answer back.

"Nope, not at all"

"Sweet" He smiles before Miss Bustier turns her back to the board and begins talking about our lesson today.

Confused (Miraculous Ladybug)Where stories live. Discover now