IRL #9

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--- Lily's PoV ---

I could feel the light of the sun on my face, which meant it was already morning. That also meant it was time for me to face the consequences of my actions last night. I could already hear multiple pairs of footsteps outside in the kitchen. Everyone else was awake. I should take this time to come up with some excuses as to why I did what I did. I quietly got my phone from my purse and began charging it so if anyone asks why I wasn't answering, I could just say that my phone died.

"Is Lily awake yet?" I heard Christina ask.

"I don't know. Since she didn't feel well last night, I'm going to leave her be until she's ready." answered Beth. I really didn't deserve her friendship.

"Oh, okay. By the way, Elle and the boys want to come over to see how she's doing."

"That's fine, but tell them to not disturb her until she comes out on her own."

"I will, thanks."

Despite stabbing me in the back, Christina still acts like a good friend and makes me feel like crap for ditching her. My hatred for myself just skyrocketed.

How long am I going to be able to avoid my friends? Not forever, that I know. For now, I just try to go back to sleep, but to no avail.

About two hours pass until I hear the front door swing open and several footsteps walk in. I already know it's them.

"Hey, Bethany. We brought over some juice and snacks for Lily." said Zach.

"We also got some alka-seltzer tablets for her. Is she up already?" asked Jack.

"No, not that I know. I haven't been in her room yet."

"Oh. When do you think she'll be up?" asked Daniel.

"I don't know, but she's been sleeping for, like, fourteen to fifteen hours now."

"Dang, I hope she's alright..." I heard Corbyn say.

"Yeah, me too." said Elle. "I'm not even mad anymore, I'm just worried."

They're still worried about me. Even Corbyn and Christina... Did I really see what I saw? Or was it my eyes playing a cruel, cruel joke on me? Oh God, if I caused all this fuss for nothing...

I choked on a sob. Apparently it was loud enough for them to hear as their footsteps came closer to my door.

"Lily? You awake?" Elle asked from the other side of my door.

I began coughing to make them think that sound was a cough. Might as well get this shit-show over with...

"E-Elle? Yeah, I'm awake..." I coughed in between my words. The door opened and in came everyone. Corbyn was the first to come to my side.

"Babe...? Are you still sick?"

"Mm-hm, but I think I feel better than yesterday..."

"Oh geez, was it food poisoning?" Elle asked.

"I don't know."

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital." Daniel suggested.

"No, that's okay! I'll probably be better after a day or so."

"You sure? I mean, you do have medical insurance." said Beth.

"I'll be okay. Promise."

I kept my head turned from them and my face hidden in my hair so they wouldn't be able to see my tears.

"So... if you don't mind, could you please tell us what the hell happened last night?" asked Elle.

I made sure I got my list of excuses ready.

"Well, after I went to the bathroom, my stomach started hurting really bad. I didn't wanna bother y'all since it was a celebration and everything..."

"Yes, but why not tell us that you were leaving?" asked Christina.

"I was planning to after calling Beth, but my phone died."

"You couldn't come walk up to us and tell us in person?" asked Jack.

"I wanted to, but Beth came before I could. Like I said, I had a lot of stomach pain, so I could barely move."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense..." muttered a skeptical Christina.

"I'm really sorry. I should've stayed. I'm such a jerk for making you guys worry like that."

Corbyn came closer to me and put a soothing hand on my shoulder.

"Apology accepted. Just please don't do it again." he said.

"You should've seen Corbyn. He was losing his marbles. 'Oh my God, where the heck is Lily?!' He was running around looking all over for you." joked Jack, laughing.

"Hey, if your girlfriend disappeared, you'd flip too." said Jonah, defending Corbyn.

"He probably would... if he had one!" retorted Corbyn, laughing back at Jack, getting a laugh out of everyone but him.

"Sick burn!" exclaimed Christina, pointing at Jack, who had his arms crossed and pouting.

It'd probably be best for me to just forget whatever the hell I saw last night... and never speak of it again. I'm taking this to my grave.

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