The Many Lives Come to an End

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Chapter 2

Gray was floating.

Damn heaven was great, he felt like he had the physical strength to run forever, and then more after that. Maybe he shouldn’t have been cussing in heaven, oh well, he could always repent.


Someone called his name, he tried to turn toward the sound, but it seemed to be everywhere, surrounding him.


There it was again. The voice sounded familiar but Gray didn’t know where to place it. It did sound heavenly, so maybe it was a perk of heaven; a heavenly soundtrack if you will.

“Grayson, the change is complete now, you can wake up,” the angelic voice sounded sad. No, he didn’t want the voice to cry, angels shouldn’t cry. There was more shaking, he felt like his heaven was rocking and falling apart.

He tried to yell out to the angel to stop shaking his world apart, he was starting to get scared.

“Grayson, wake up now!” It was an order. The world finally fell apart, collapsing in front of him. But he now knew this wasn’t heaven, it was purgatory; a waiting ground. The angel wasn’t here, he was someplace real; and Gray couldn’t deny him what he wanted.

Gray’s eyes snapped open and he was off the couch faster than he had ever been. He had flipped over the back of the couch and ducked behind its rich upholstery.

He felt as though his body weren’t his own, he knew there was another in the room and couldn’t resist the urge that they were a threat. He could feel the other’s presence as they too flip over the sofa and landed directly behind him. He turned around, bearing his teeth at them, what he didn’t know, but his mind was screaming danger on high alert as though fire sirens were flashing through his mind.

The air blew from that direction, and he was bombarded with a new array of scents. His eyes snapped up, and he realized that it was a person that stood before him and he immediately adjusted his position. Standing up and looking down, baring his neck in a more submissive state. His subconscious mind didn’t know why he was doing this, but it seemed to be the most natural thing. He felt as though this person was the angel, and he was his disciple.

Gray felt his chin being lifted up, and his face being forced to look into a pair of startling blue eyes.

“Please don’t do that,” Jasper whispered. Gray looked at him perplexedly. Jasper was different now. Yes he was still gorgeous as the day he had emerged from the shadows, but something about him was different. Gray could somehow sense how old he was, not the age specifically, but the experience. The sheer fact that Jasper could rip his fledgling body apart given the chance was an ever present thought in his mind.

“You’re my mate Grayson; I’m not going to hurt you.” Jasper whispered, sorrow in his eyes.

“What, what happened, what did you do to me?” Grayson asked, looking into Jasper’s eyes. The last thing he remembered was the count down, the count down to the end of his life; and now this seemed like the beginning of it.

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