✨Chapter 2✨

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It's been two weeks since I met Lucyan, currently it's Monday, and guess who is in my classes? Lucyan! So far, I've avoided him like Sylvia suggested, but for some reason... I can't take my eyes off him. What is happening to me?! I haven't talked to him since he stole my bag!! We have nothing in common and I've only just met him.
"Hey sis. You ok?" I snap my head towards my brother leaning up against the locker beside mine.
"Uh... Yeah. I'm fine." I lie, staring down at my feet. Elliot didn't look convinced, but didn't question me any further.
"Hey, did you hear from mum?" Elliot asks changing the subject.
"No. Why?"
"She sent me a letter. She's going to England for a month." Elliot explains. I blink in surprise. She didn't send me anything, or at least I don't think she did. Mum always went on trips to England, mostly it was for missions, but other times it was to visit my uncles John and Micheal and my cousins. Me and my brother always begged her to take us, but she never allowed it. Well, I should say dad didn't allow it. If mum had her way then we would probably have more freedom. But no, dad's just gotta have her wrapped around his finger. I guess that's what happens when people are in love? I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell and me and Elliot walked to our History of Auradon class.
I got in trouble. Well, I'm not surprised but all I did was yawn! It was loud enough for the teacher to hear. Now, I had to explain Auradon's History in front of the entire class.
"So, Miss Pan. What can you tell me about Auradon?" My teacher asked and I bit my lip nervously. Come on, Robin. You've got this. I said to myself trying to calm down. Oh how I wish I could just fly out here! It's always calmed me down, ever since I was little.
"Auradon was established by King Beast and Queen Belle about 24 years ago. It united the kingdoms and became known as United States of Auradon or USA." I explain and glance around nervously. I stopped, and see Lucyan looking at me intently. He can't actually be interested in learning Auradon's History? Right?
"Miss Pan?"
"Huh?" I ask turning my head to my teacher in confusion as some of the class laughed, mostly Audrey and her friends.
"Continue telling the story?"
"Oh... ri-right," I say nervously and clear my throat, "King Beast declared that no magic would be allowed in the kingdoms." I finish, which is followed by silence and a few whispers. Honestly, I think the rule is stupid, but I can't tell my teacher that. I could probably risk a detention or get kicked out. I don't know. Maybe? I'm still not entirely sure how this school works yet.
"Ah, yes. And your father would know all about that wouldn't he? With him cutting ties with our lovely kingdoms?" My teacher's questions caught me off guard. I glanced at my brother, who was equally confused and stood up straighter to try and hear what the teacher was saying. I saw Audrey and her friends whispering and giggling in the back of the room. I clenched my fists.
"Are you... are you insulting my family?" I asked, a bit angry and confused.
"No. I did not intend to. I was simply asking." The teacher said with a small smile. How in Hades can he smile when he just insulted my father?! I felt tears well up in my eyes, but didn't cry. I had to stay strong and keep a level head.
"Well... Yes. He does. But he had his reasons. None that an idiotic man could understand." I mutter the last part but the teacher still heard me. He was so offended and ordered a detention, saying how I had no right to insult him.
"So it's ok to insult our father, but it's not ok for my sister to insult you?!" My brother snapped at the teacher, standing from his chair. I looked at him worriedly. I'm glad he's defending my honor, but he looks so angry. I never see him angry, if anything he's usually the calm one in the family.
"Well then," the teacher said after a couple of minutes (and after Elliot sat down), "detention for you as well, Mister Pan!" My teacher says handing us both slips. Then, the bell rang and we started heading to Magical History.
"You didn't have to do that, but... thanks Elliot." I say smiling up at him. He smiled back.
"You're welcome, sis." Suddenly, like a gust of wind, we were both almost toppled over. After regaining balance, my eyes darted to what was in front of me. Lucyan! And there was blue haired girl next to him, running down the hall causing havoc. That must be his sister Juno that Mal told me about.
"Was that Lucyan?" Elliot questioned. I had told him the story before.
"I just hope that he doesn't steal my bag again." I mutter as we start to walk again.
"You know, he's not actually a bad guy. We play Tourney together. He's nice to talk to, just a little rough around the edges." Elliot explains. What? Oh god! Who do I believe now?! My own brother or a person who has known Lucyan since the days on the Isle?
I stop by my dorm to get a change of clothes before heading to detention around 3 in the afternoon.
"Hey, Robin." I turn towards Stormcloud's bed and wave.
"I didn't know you were here, Storm."
"Yeah, well. You know me, I'm pretty quiet." She says as she picks up her math textbook.
"Where are you going?"
"Detention." I reply, finding a cute outfit in the closet.
"What?! How did that happen? I mean, I'm not really surprised but ya' know." I glare jokingly at her and explain what happened. She's quiet for a moment and then starts to speak as I get changed.
"Well, good for you. I bet your dad would be proud." I smile at her after I've changed.

Lost Girl ☾𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒☽Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon